
Did she not take her child to the doctor when she had whooping cough?

When my son was an infant, I expressed concern about immunizations and autism (it was ten years ago! What did I know?) and the ped told me if that there was no connection, to believe so was foolish and that immunizations are the most basic step necessary to ensure a healthy life for my child and if I was going to

I once dated a guy for a couple of years and it was apparent pretty early in the going that we weren't exactly compatible and that the relationship would have to end at some point. I put off pulling the trigger on it, though, because I loved his family. They were warm and gracious. They threw great parties with lovely

The only thing I really disapprove of here is that the baby has his last name.

My son feels very possessive about his hair.

My ex is in and out of our son's life. Once, on a reentry, he took my son to a barber and told the guy in Spanish to cut off my son's hair. Six years later, my son doesn't easily consent to a trim.

My children get to chose one thing for the family to enjoy. No limits, they can decide what it is. Just one thing, though. Not the Doritos AND the marinated cactus AND the ice cream sandwiches. Just one of those. You can change your mind, but you have to put the item you don't want back.

I used to get urinary tract infections (we call them you-tees) all of the time and then I just stopped having sex entirely (for reason unrelated to the you-tees, I just became unattractive) and no more you-tees for me.

sure, but bourgeois bucolic mastubatory fantasy material for wealthy hipsters is often profitable.

Most contestants don't actually lose all the weight they "should". There are really only a few contestants every season who really really slim down.

This is my parenting advice to everyone:

Please. A couple of people sent their kids to my son's birthday party without RSVPing and I was furious. If it were a wedding, I'd still be ranting in a corner somewhere.

I have had a couple of people wrong me terribly, and I know how you feel. I did have to forgive them, for myself, so that I could let it go. After really thinking about it, I can understand why these people did what they did. I feel compassion for them, even.

There were times in college when I had far too much to drink and flirted with a man, who then thought I wanted to have sex with him. I did not. But, as it happened, this misunderstanding often didn't reveal itself until a point where I didn't feel like it was possible to not have sex. The guy was bigger, there would

I did the Couch to 5k program - but it took me five months to run a 5k without stopping rather than the plan's nine weeks. So, agreed! Cut yourself some slack. And run slowly - you will feel better if you start super slow and finish strong.

I'd like an episode devoted to Hae. I know her family doesn't want to talk. I know there was some space devoted to describing her in a recent episode. Still I'd like more. She is the one who was murdered. I think it would be respectful to give us more on her.

But if Adnan didn't do it, who did????????

Stay strong, sister. Take such good care of yourself.

Me neither.

My sons father stalked me and harassed me and I was so scared. And I did not get a restraining order because I was afraid that it would trigger more rage and he would kill me.