
Who is he gonna blame for all the terrible cliches from the first Avenger's that stopped it from being a 5 star movie - namely all the soapie drama, fighting each other for no reason (why was Thor trying to kill Iron Man and Cap?) and the typical bad guy deliberately getting himself captured as part of their secret

Her marketing person runs it, so likely she has no idea about them.

Murdering abortion doctors, forcing kids and wives to stay with abusive fathers/husbands, telling anyone who is not equally right wing that they will go to he'll because they want to give welfare to those living below the poverty line instead of giving it to the rich… But not sending death threats to a 5 year old,

You mean.sarcasm, right? Irony does not mean.sarcasm.

This is a great show, many other grown ups.I have shared with it find it hilarious. It's the best family sitcom since the 90s - well, maybe it's the first family sitcom made since the 90s, but that means they can get some people with lots of experience.
That kid is awesome, and anyone who wishes harm on a kid is