
Somewhere Kris is scheming her next sex tape leak...

Like a lot of people big on fundamentalism and short on common sense I think she’s forgotten that the sinful magazine has given her the clout to be heard. I doubt $exual Ek$ploitation or whatever it’s called would be giving her the time of day if she wasn’t loaded.

Yes. Since Browser is essentially a working animal hired to control pests and this person’s pup is a civilian I don’t know why he felt personally slighted.

Maybe, but tacky should be reserved for midriff baring or questionable slogan wearing teens. Not something a kid probably loves with all his little heart.

That actually made my heart hurt. what kind of a concept is “tacky” to teach a four year old? he’s going to preschool not Royal Ascot.

I doubt the bottomless pit that is his bank account will be drained anytime soon. Not while they keep cranking out those mission: impossible movies. I do believe CoS will get all his assets when he croaks though. The wuss will shortchange his kids in death as he did in life.

I don’t mean to trash a little boy so don’t take this the wrong way but Barron has the same dead eyed gaze as his brothers. I think it comes from long association with their orange pater. Tiffany doesn’t have it.

Have you forgotten King Cairo?

Tabloid famous for sucking up to celebrity douchebags sucks up to celebrity douchebag.

War of the Roses style. So basically Mr. and Mrs. Smith with less sex and more killing. Honestly has Angies source been in a coma since the 90's?

What is?

His breakup with Heidi Bivens and calculated pursuit of Aniston were sketchy to be honest, he’s in no position to be casting stones is all I’m saying.

I’ll concede the attractiveness and the friendship with Amy Sedaris. it’s mostly the skinny jeans that I find insufferable.

Justin is an insufferable hipster dudebro. Come at me

This is the easiest design to make. You can use a glass or cup and scratch around the edges. Probably why it’s so popular among bored school kids.

Looks more like the UTI from hell. Change your diapers and drink your cranberry juice adult babies.

Four score and seven women ago I vowed to bring forth on this nation a new freedom whereby rich, ugly mofos like myself could grab p***y with impunity.

The tiny hands!

And even if she did make those remarks about the twice married over ripe tangerine why in the world would it justify his pawing her? Did she explicitly ask to be pawed? Did she touch him in any way without his consent? No? Then take a seat dude with the name of a Dickensian villain.

This is awesome and I hate you for doing this to poor Snuffulupagus.