Seriously. I wondered why it took her so long to find the stuff and my mind went into the logistics of short arms and big butts.
Who is the guy in the top picture? Damn those are some fine cheek bones!
I think more than one was nearly shot. Teddy lived the rest of his life with a bullet between his ribs.
Amid the glut of celebrity divorces it warmed my hard little heart to read about Kanyes concern about his wife and his rushing off to be with her.
Add the two who were shot but survived to your math. Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan.
I know, and Clem is a perfectly good nickname for a boy.
Ooh ooh pretentious name suggestions. If it’s a boy they should name him Clementine.
I think you have to take the whole quote in context. If she had been married for four years at that point then Cruise started pursuing her when she was barely out of her teen’s. No one has their head on straight at that age. I can imagine she must wonder whether being a little older would have helped her to smell the…
How Brad and Angie are going to resolve custody of the bottles of wine in the basement of Chateaux Miraval.
Buddha=Prince Siddharta
Given that he was a prince, as in, the ruler of a kingdom, I’m pretty sure he knew politics.
That’s why I said I don’t know the situation on the ground. Even so the paranoia seems a little extreme. Pony tail dude could plausibly be hiding a gun but that’s where the Kevlar comes in. Isnt training supposed to help you stay calm in such situations? The jerky movements put me in mind of a spooked cat.
Google cat scared of cucumber.
This. Exactly.
They named their baby Marcel. Makes me imagine a tiny angel faced bon viveur with a pencil thin mustache.
I don’t know the situation on the ground but it’s kinda funny to see police in body armor and weaponry acting as if they’re being attacked by wild animals when approached by a guy in a pony tail and a woman holding a sign. When did the police become so skittish?
When was Brad Pitt a bad boy though? Hes always been portrayed as a down home all american turnip head.
Is Diniro really known as a family man though? I know he has young kids with his current wife but his relationships werent exactly warm with his then family.
Why is he only serving 25 years?? That would make him just 50 on release well able to have a life and more kids. What does he need to do to get life without parole??