
Yeah. Not going to spoil it by saying that he should have never entered that nightmare zone in the first place.

Thanks for the input. This is what I meant to ask. Are convicts allowed to ask for elective procedures? What if there was a quality of life issue? Manning could probably argue this from a legal standpoint but it seems from your answer that anything other than basic healthcare is not on the table so the question is

Leaving out the fact that she’s in a military prison for whatever crimes she committed, is there any logic to the repeated denial of her demands? From here it seems like petty vindictiveness. Is there a rationale behind it?

Not exactly zero, no. Kids can be just as cruel as older people.

Is Barron Hilton the one who went berserk in a plane recently or is that a different Hilton sprog?

Why is Mason draped like a human sacrifice on an altar? Is that some kind of symbolism?


What is that thing and where can I buy one?

Wasn’t that the whole problem? They tried to go around and gouged out the side of the ship. If they had hit it head on it wouldn’t have taken on so much water so fast.

Even the babies.

I remember reading a letter she wrote to a friend essentialy complaining that she couldn’t bang her husband without receiving an unpleasant screaming souvenir of it nine months later. Poor Victoria. Born a horndog in an age without birth control.

Great. Now maybe they could talk with the hundreds of other lies he’s told.

Here’s a picture showing the whole team

Encasing Tatums pelvis in a shiny, sparkly fish tail makes them feel uncomfortable about their own manhood maybe?

Anyone else read that exchange and picture Swift next to Hiddles with his balls in a vise like grip?

I think its the same mental gymnastics the (few) latino and black RNC supporters perform. Shes not like us, we’re the good ones.

Seconded. How about the driving out of a skyscraper scene for her next celebrity hand me downs sale?

Gun nuts don’t grow in a vacuum. You need a populaton so desensitized to guns that a deputy or sheriff or whatever fails to properly secure his weapon because he doesnt think its an awesome and deadly tool and a convict grabs it like candy from a baby.

I think it kind of goes with their family. How fun would it be to be introduced to strangers as Blake, Ryan and James and watch them trying to figure who is who? If you weren’t instantly recognizable of course.