I know it works sometimes. Especially if the couple knew each other before hand. It’s the complete strangers getting hitched because they belonged to a desirable clan/caste/social group that makes me sad.
I know it works sometimes. Especially if the couple knew each other before hand. It’s the complete strangers getting hitched because they belonged to a desirable clan/caste/social group that makes me sad.
I use instagram to post taxidermy photos.
I dunno. Shade needs a recipient and the entire population of South Asia is a little non specific. But the Hon. Judge Brown would know better.
We can all recall one couple who came together through arranged marriage and are happy.
You live an interesting life. I’d buy your autobiography if you choose to publish.
It’s Down syndrome which is linked to maternal age. Autism is due to aging sperm. If you’re going to use offensive stereotypes at least work better at your trolling.
Probably a media personality/model like Kylie Jenner.
You’re thinking maybe that parents would pass up the opportunity for their girls to be photographed by an internationally known magazine? They were probably imagining modelling contracts in their kids future. This was before child exploitation was really on the radar so you can’t blame parents for being naive.
You wouldn’t believe some of the myths about vasectomies. I worked in a related field in another life. One guy was worried he would grow man boobs because his testosterone level would drop.
Good for him having the balls to be proactive about his contraceptive choices.
You put my thoughts into print. Also they eat a lot of bamboo. Wouldn’t suppliers become suspicious if a random citizen wanted to buy a ton of the stuff?
Joe Dumbass isn’t going to scrounge for a rock when he has a pocket knife handy, risking a broken nail and tetanus. I can guarantee graffiti would fall by 50 % if people had to look for their own rocks.
If you’re going to spend hours or days climbing over rocks and falling over roots I would hope you’d have the self awareness not to write shit on stuff in case nature tries to kill you spectacularly and you have to explain that shit to rescue services.
Just don’t carve Squid loves Patrick Starfish into any rocks with it.
Do you visit parks armed with a machete? A spear? A scimitar? Can I come with you next time?
Why wouldn’t I be? When you go into a museum you follow the rules about not touching anything. Why should old growth forest with endangered species and unique topography not be given some respect?
Hikers can get a permit when they sign a statement declaring they will not cause any damage. Most people who carve A luvs B into a tree are day trippers. Hikers don’t have the time to waste.
Rocks have sharp edges and are more likely to cut your hand than a rock face. Most idiots are not looking around for a rock when they can use a nail cutter blade.