
Yeah. You can fight off bears with a penknife.

People who go into national parks should be asked to remove all knives, writing tools and other sharp objects before entering. Why is this not a thing?

I believe the technology is improving for the egg freezing. You’re right about the rest. I’m surprised at the Conservatives who believe that children are the parents property to do with as they please in education /healthcare/ discipline but they will deny those same parents the right to their property with a few

Not end of problem. Human eggs react badly to being frozen. Much more so than sperm and embryos.

Fair point.

And I’m sure you’re an awesome step parent but honestly it sucks for a kid to know one parent actively tried to prevent their very existence. As the case would be in an embryo custody case.

Have all the break up sex you want. The OP was referring to having a child with your ex which is all kinds of weird and not really fair to the child.

Holy Noodly Appendage. That is the stuff of nightmares.

Why are the kids watching from the second floor? I’m imagining Kanye ordering everyone, including Kim to remove themselves and observe from a distance of 20 feet.

Oh man. The adoration in that little girls eyes. Americans you’re never going to see such love for your leaders in the eyes of your children again. No matter who becomes President.

I remember as a young mother being told not to put powder anywhere near a baby’s privates or where they could inhale it. So I’m guessing this has been public knowledge for a while? I can’t find any studies on it.

I would have ostentatiously popped out a boob whenever I saw her. Whether the baby wanted to nurse or not. Honestly I think you made her feel inadequate as a mother. My mother feels guilty about not nursing even though it just wasn’t possible for her.

Thanks for being understanding. Not a lot of men (and women) are ok with mothers nursing in the seat next to them let alone using a breast pump. It’s like they’re sitting next to a leper who wants to stick his fingers in your mouth.

OMG. That face! How are you not a puddle of goo with that face looking at you?

Taliban means students so nominator was probably making a historical/lingual joke which no one got.

An event by a known trans phobic candidate and a transgendered kid outs himself. No there’s no cause to believe he could come to harm.