Yes its sad when a rational persons first thought is “I hope he got out in one piece.” About a child. At a public event. Attended by people with kids of their own.
Yes its sad when a rational persons first thought is “I hope he got out in one piece.” About a child. At a public event. Attended by people with kids of their own.
So he has a type. Unconventionally attractive with a strong personality and sexually dominant. And he married the complete opposite of that.
9/11 had the indirect involvement of several countries and organizations plus it’s still not clear who knew what and when. It’s easy to start believing there’s more than meets the eye. How does that compare to a troubled man breaking down violently.
What is it about Sandy Hook that creates this level of madness? I don’t think I’ve heard about the Aurora theatre survivors facing this level of harassment, or Charleston or anywhere else really.
I know someone who used to work in Sunderbans reserve in India. Home of the highest number of tiger attacks in the world. Mostly because the area is too small for the hundred or so tigers to roam without stepping in each others territory.
The tiger is still alive thankfully and is not being blamed for being a tiger. It makes me sad to think how often wild animals fare badly in these forced interactions with humans.
Hence the clawing. He had scratched his ear with an infected back paw and transferred the infection without the vet or myself noticing. This is what I got for trying to avoid another vet bill.
Kinda?? I hope your sister didnt suffer any kind of weird infection which would probably need a Dr. House to diagnose.
I don’t have anything to back it up. I’m just surmising based on how our animals relate to us. Are we providing food and comfort? We’re indispensable. Are we getting on their nerves? Slash em. In this poor woman’s case it was the former countless times but the latter only once :(
Oh totally. My most horrific childhood memory is seeing my Nanna who had slipped and gashed her head on the counter trying to shoo away the cat who was lovingly licking her blood.
Oh believe me they’re cute when they’re in cuddly mode. If you’re also responsible for their care and feeding daily I imagine it calms the danger centers of the brain.
We can’t say the tiger didn’t love her in its own way. Animals that are attached to people do sometimes hurt those people. Said while nursing a scratch inflicted by a cat who does not like his ears cleaned.
Who said anything about girls? Wasn’t there a guy who studied grizzlies and was mauled by one? It’s human nature to become attached to animals because they’re childlike.
You are so right. Also i think the risks are higher for animal keepers and handlers because their emotional attachment to the animals makes them a little too trusting.
Are the matching dresses supposed to make them look extra cute? I’ve always found it weird when siblings several years apart are dressed like twins. It was the first thing I noticed about the Obama girls in 2008. That they weren’t all matchy matchy
You’re giving Kylie J’s headgear way too much thought. It’s obvious she stuck one of her hair extensions on her hat for shits and giggles.
Yes and there are plenty of women who have put their children in harm’s way to keep an abusive “relationship” going. Since you have so much faith in humanity I’ll defer to your judgement.
I’m sorry, I thought there were laws in place where people could report rapes and the rapist would be removed from society. Guess not.