
Ah I see, expressing incredulity at some people’s foolishness is demonizing now. OK. Incidentally if one of his previous partners/victims had turned him in this story might not be taking place. But saying that would be demonising the victims.

What does Ariel Castro have to do with this? None of the women found in this situation was the mother of the aforementioned seven kids. Those mothers were not chained up in the basement. They chose to leave this man but they chose not to call police on him and prevent the abuse of three women and more than one

Ok I’m sorry for being judgemental. I’ve always assumed American women have more free agency than most but coercion takes place everywhere I guess.

Oh please. Unless he’s the actual Immortan Joe and these were his slaves these women knowingly associated with an abusive pedophile and made the decision to have kids with him.

I think the creep factor went into orbit with this.

Travis has seven biological children.

Isn’t that part of the brand image?

If you think this is childish Cooper I invite you to frequent the comment boards on Yahoo and Fox which will be discussing your hair color, accent, parentage and sexual orientation in great detail over the coming days. Trump is King of the Wild Things.

But Tian Tian isn’t in the tub. Spring for a bigger tub National Zoo.

Or just spread old newspapers under them.

Yeah see, until they’re old enough to run they’d be stewing in their own emissions so no.

Ooh! Do the others. Harry Styles=baby spice? Which one is scary?

Maybe it’s because she’s always been portrayed as the next big thing over the last two decades. I think the media can’t forgive her or itself for pretending she was a new Goldie Hawn.

Why would you use that as a header picture? Why? Gooey CGI lady ruined that movie and even Hiddles and Wasikowska couldn’t redeem it.

You may not need your own children but you will certainly need society’s children as you get older. Consider it advance payment on the doctors, nurses and hospice care you will need at the end of your life or sooner if you become disabled.

How long do you think it took them to come up with this and how many clunkers did they reject?

I think in this case the poor kid is just as likely to be white working class as he is to be black.

Maybe I’m feeling overly optimistic but these opportunities will definitely open up some lucrative career choices for these kids.

It’s been almost a week and no one has come up to refute the students claims. Even Trumps reps claimed that the black outfits triggered the response not any behavior on the students part. The police chief is the only one citing misbehavior. I suggest you keep the insults to a minimum because the only one looking like

It does have a certain ring to it. I’m getting my David Thewlis waxed.