
I’m having difficulty understanding Margaret Cho’s perspective here. It sounds like Tilda was up front about the issues, expressed her desire to do something about it and sought advice from someone who is in a good position to provide it. And Cho’s responses were thoughtful and measured as well. Not sure what got lost

I’ll quote what I wrote in the comments of the 2015 disappointments:

No “Persona 5 is delayed... again... AND AGAIN”?

Sorry. Lifelong Habs fan here and that was absolutely the right call. You put your stick on the body in that position, you are playing with fire. You sometimes get away with those, if there’s no consequence to the action, but when your opponent goes down like that, you’ve given the referee absolutely no choice but to

The fact that millions of people voted for Trump because liberals are mean to them, and now he’s going to fleece everyone of them makes me squeal with delight. My only concern is that they are too closed minded to see it.

To quote the great John Oliver, congratulations on your white penis!

Hey yokels, enjoy getting fucked in the ass:)

Also, I heard somewhere that the Reason Hillary Lost (TM) was that she was in bed with Goldman Sachs. You know, not in touch with the working class. Go Bernie, and alla that.

But I thought emails

Since you’re impotent that point is pretty meaningless.

Kate’s improper use of “your” has forever killed my boner for her.

It’s a bigass game and localization takes forever.


Just in case you were worried that we’ll ever compromise our integrity for the sake of maintaining access!

Man. You guys get your Ubi privileges back and IMMEDIATELY set about trying to get them revoked again

Sounds like it could be an interesting game.

no mans sky got them shook

Or you could do the math here and see that it make sense and plays out.