
equating anonymous info dumps to terrorist threat videos....

just ordered a nexus 7. does damn well in comparison for 130 less!

thats what i thought

yeah but the missions with him make it impossible to find anything lol.

I couldnt agree more. I love the story, I love the history and the scenes and the setting, but everything else has been a huge let down. revelations was better in every way. combat isnt fun anymore, even with the cool new tools that looked so promising. the only real success is the free running in the trees. the

ive played every game in the series, and this is by far the least satisfying. it isnt even close. running is a mess, stealth really is broken completely, and the UI is god awful. desmond doesnt even get a fucking mini map? for real? there are so many things about this that suck that did not suck in revelations at all.

its funny you say that cause red dead was one of my favorite games ever. i loved la noire, and overall really enjoy rockstars work. I just could not care about liberty city for some reason. maybe it was the overwhelming stereotypes or the obnoxious controls, but I gave it a week and never went back. if they could

yours seems to be far off the general windows phone experience. I couldnt name 2 people I know who use groupme, read later, or instapaper. I just dont see how you have these performance issues so regularly, and I have never once experienced them. my kindle app is much better then the IOS android counterparts, so I

yeah after hearing about how it was one of the best games ever, it played exactly like GTA 3. I only paid 20 dollars and was still rather unhappy about it.

im actually gonna agree with you. after hearing such great things about it I picked it up about a year ago and was really really underwhelmed. I have a hard time getting excited for this one.

and to think, I thought I couldnt hate fox news anymore.

thats funny, cause all 8 people i know with windows phones have the exact same experience.

i read darpa and knew this would be bad. 1984

i was thinking the same thing...

not to mention he would compulsively shoot if he touched the ball. ugh. almost as awful a laker memory as smush parker.

idk about you but i can like individual comments on everything. not from my windows built in app, my facebook app.

does this remind anyone else of shaun livingston from the clips years ago?


congrats on the most racist comment of the day

right? all the time