
shameless lol.

its just stupidly faster. also you can go backwards on your lists instead of going alllll the fucking way to the end of your instant just to watch something. oh and i have an older white xbox so it is loud as a dying animal too. my ps3 runs netflix silently.

poor guy never gets any credit. he invented AC power which is how we power houses and really our world.

you just made me so happy hearing there will be a sequel. and yes, this was the best use of "found camera perspective" ive ever seen. hope it sticks in the next one

although i partially agree with the jackholes down here about a good business model, as allen said i believe you were referring to doing it today, and it was kind of a dick move. hopefully they do find them jobs with EA, thatd be very kind of them in fact.

its worth it for the uncharted series. there are a lot of good jrpgs on there too if you are into that kinda thing. also their netflix is sooooooo much better then the xbox one, ill switch systems if i choose to watch netflix now.

am i the only one thoroughly impressed with smartglass?

lol i just saw that recently too and it was really good right? im surprised more people werent into it.

oh wow... well excited needless to say

wow. this looks like deus ex meets gta4. im stoked

thats what im saying. it sure has an unreal feel to it.

did we just get a sneak peak at unreal 4??

i find this to be genius. but implausible/maybe impossible.

the simple fact i can use my phone as my mouse is fucking awesome.

i find this post beautiful and true. cant wait to see what they bring the rest of e3

i think this was a brilliant idea to add it without jacking up the costs of their system

i appreciate hearing it from someone. after just getting my lumia I use microsoft for all facets of my tech life (although i do own a PS3)

i think thats the best part of jrpgs. they are so quirky and off the wall but in a (usually) truly endearing way. i just started playing persona 3 and it charmed me in the first day, made me put down the witcher 2 in my tracks lol.

awesome i definitely will check it out then. thanks!

how was graces? ive never played any of the tales of games and was interested in trying one