
More ridiculous liberal nonsensical outrage.

Oh my God what an insideous act. A video you say ??? What will they stoop to next?

Can you at least give credit to the commenter in the previous article that mentioned Pseudobulbar effect?

“a sports blog written by morons who did not even go to Harvard”

I remember after bin Laden died the comment boards were filled with comments about how deplorable it was that people would celebrate the death of anyone, regardless of how that person lived. It’s kind of fascinating, actually.

Ronde because he’s not Tiki.

So does the fact that he merely played high school sports make him sufficiently privileged to make him, his lawyers, and the judge appropriate targets for an online shame campaign? I’m struggling to see how this is a story of national importance. All it will do is stoke the flames of keyboard social justice warriors

The only reason Les Miles still holds a coaching job at LSU has been from insane, golden-horseshoe-up-the-ass lucky plays. Transplant him to any other college football roster without the talent he’s received at LSU and he will look like a mediocre lunatic.

This article got a lot more depressing the longer I read it.

What you think an article salivating over a good pair of tits and ass would frowned upon?

I can only imagine how Gawker would react to a piece salivating over an 18 year-old on the USWNT.

But eventually they got a great musical out of the deal.

Her name is Rio and her lab has been banned

They assaulted a woman! Also, nearly killed a man or something unimportant.

This game is more worthy of the Gowanus Canal.

I like Simmons and I like Deadspin’s attacks on him. It is all good.

ESPN, a sports network, couldn’t make his shitty Basketball Hour match C-SPAN 2 ratings, but HBO is going to make this work? Good luck.

There is some humor to the idea that Simmons’ schtick is tired on Deadspins 9846th post about how awful he supposedly is.

The truth doesn't matter. This is an opportunity for male feminists to frown on another man and to prove their moral superiority.