
Seattle here; literally see dozens of Fits at every possible turn.  

Except the HRV is less spacious, worse to drive, slower, worse on gas and considerably more expensive. But yeah sure.

You know a website has built a community when on a hunt through a junkyard TWO separate people ID and document the former vehicle of a site contributor.

I didn’t find Eric’s tone negative at all. He seems very supportive of what this judge is attempting.

I ran a plate relocator that attached to the tow point in the bumper on my MkVII GTI. That being said, I agree with Torch being a resident of a state that requires a front plate and the last thing you want to be is a rolling case of probable cause these days.

I’ll preface all this by saying that it’s pretty hard to give a shit about cars right now!

Not to say he was a good driver. First accident was his own fault. Went into a curve at speed without accounting for the potential of ice. Hit a patch, lost it and rolled the car.

Actually that’s a fact. Fit Owner here. It is a capable, well made, and fun to drive! 

Dishwasher in the box, 30" wide stove(used, so no box), the weight limit of the car worth of laminate flooring, and even an APC AR3150 network rack, though that was disassembled, and rattled more than a Chrysler product on the way home.

Lots of space, decent on gas even for the older models.

And for me, the #1 reason.. Reliable. in 14 years of ownership, my previous car went through one engine rebuild, one engine replacement, one transmission replacement, one transmission rebuild, rear differential, and a good $10k of other work.  Tires and brakes

Fun to drive. Carries way more than you would think. Reliable. Inexpensive to buy and run. Ridiculously easy to park anywhere. Light, tossable, wheeee!

In what way is a Fit a shitbox? True, they’re far from the most luxurious new car you can buy, but they are reliable, capable, versatile transportation with features that would have cost six figures fifteen years ago.

We've got a Real 'Murican™ here guys, look out. Needs a lot of capability to haul that swingin' dick.

sounds like you don’t know wtf you’re talking about.  So please.... keep going!  I’m hanging on every word.

So dealers can make money putting Yokohama Geolanders and lift kits on them with huge markup. Duh. Also roof baskets. Can’t forget roof baskets...

When I leased a Ford Fiesta I told them push button start was a must have. They said no problem, and in fact had the exact spec I wanted (ST wasnt available then only SES). When they drove it around for the test drive I was greeted by a number pad next to the start button. I inquired about it and they said it was for s

Another piece to add to trying to sell your car private party right now is to think about whats going on at your state’s DMV or Tax Office.  Are they closed?  If so how does the buyer register the car?  Do you want to give the car to them knowing it could be 60 days before your name is off the title? 

Interesting, this is a good point.  If factories shut down, supply for certain cars may twindle and prices could go up if demand outpaces inventory.

It will affect availability in the short-term. Subaru just issued a bulletin stating they have stopped taking sold orders until further notice.