
Jeremy Christian killed people in Portland, not Seattle.

I live in Vancouver, WA and we have both Police and volunteers working to identify people living in WA with cheap OR plates. It seems silly that we need full sting operations at an elementary school to catch people avoiding a $20 fee, but it adds up to big money. The city estimates those tabs generated $2.4M last year

Similar feet here - 14E flippers with barely a hint of arch. I had good luck with the Saucony Guide line when I used to run ~10m per week. Strong pronation control that didn’t feel restrictive or boxy.

No shit - this is exactly why my wife and I moved from Iowa City to Washington this year. Even in the most liberal city in Iowa, the subtle white supremacy has been building for a while. After Trump was elected it seemingly became more acceptable to share your disgusting deportation wet dreams.

She’s bored by the parade coverage. Bring on the dogs!

I did something very similar in high school circa 1996. Tied a rope to the trailer hitch on my truck and pulled friends through our neighborhood on a 4-person plastic sled. The roads were totally empty due to the falling snow and late hour. We had a blast until a cop showed up and pulled me over. He mentioned my

I’m sure there are differences between devices - I only have seen one in 2006 that was very similar to the device pictured for this article. It would beep when you were due to re-test (randomly every 20 - 30 minutes). You then had about 5 minutes to blow once for ~15 seconds, and the device included a hanger bracket

Yes they are required for first offenders. I think the devices are also required to reduce the license suspension in some states, like you received a 1-year suspension for your first offense but can petition for a work permit after 6 months as long as you have the interlock device installed and calibrated each month.

The BAC retest is no more distracting than someone answering a cell phone call for 30 seconds. The BAC devices were likely designed decades ago when handheld cell phones were allowed in all 50 states.

Agreed - my wife also has an 07 Sport and it is quick and nimble in city traffic. We love the ability to fold the seats down and load up anything smaller than a bookcase, but when you put a few hundred pounds in the back it greatly reduces acceleration.

The dog in the third picture can’t stand to see that guy’s ass in the top right corner. Keepin it classy on the South side.

I agree the punishment seems a bit steep for one individual from such a large organization, but at least this MLB case was tried in federal court. Had this happened in the NFL the process would be so secretive we would have been lucky to see it ever reach the kangaroo court of Roger’s choosing.

Same here - without Deadspin I would be lost in a sea of humorless corporate websites and beat reporters. I cannot thank Deadspin enough for your continued blessings of nut-shots, chil bears, and honest journalism that isn’t tainted by the fear of angering your league-masters.