mac smith

Fly fatass fly!

It's important to have a job that makes a difference, boys. That's why I manually masturbate caged animals for artificial insemination.

yeah twenty year olds stuck in clerk jobs is one thing, but 30 somethings working at a fast food joint was just sad and pathetic.

Pure fucking idiocy. Punching Nazis sounds great, until you realize they think everyone they disagree with is a nazi. (See last nights riot)

It looked made-for-tv to me. Its amazingly cheap looking. I can't believe the AV Club review listed the visuals as a bonus.

This isn't a Big Mac, its day old school cafeteria food.

I'm not a critic and I thought it sucked. What was the funniest part to you?

made it 30 minutes. I think there were jokes, but I can't be sure.