
time to find another employer then

CIO of a small company here.

If you’re not in a job that requires you to be on-call, I fail to see how simply saying “it was after hours, I didn’t see it” could get you into trouble. Please explain to me like I’m 5 how someone can force you to do work when you’re not at work, if you just don’t reply? For instance, any time my job (any job I’ve

“No one was ever able to grab that hundred dollar bill”

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

OK.. this is NOT Comcast.. it’s a subcontractor with the comcast logo on the side - jeez.

“From what I understand, once you get out of the big cities Japan makes the deep south look like silicon valley.”

What did they expect? SUVs aren’t built for the track.

I think we have a new candidate for the worst edited/constructed youtube video in history

Just let it die already, it was a horrible prototype. Either through bad design, or Nissan simply not funding it properly or putting in the effort, it was horrible.

Disclaimer: I’ve only played Horizon 1 & 2

Bimmer. It’s pronounced, bimmer.

Owner here and, after seeing what VW is paying, I’m not angry at all. I was at first as I thought we would have lost some re-sale value, but they’re restitution easily covers that so I’m good.

That’s what’s pissed me off the most about this whole thing: the owners that pretend they liked the car for environmental reasons only and are the most righteous environmentally conscious people ever. I’d bet a lot that they went as far as looking at the mileage of the car, went “Yup, that’ll save me money and I can

It is the mind killer

Which statement is completely contradicted by the M109 Paladin in the photo…

This was a fantastic synopsis because upon reading the article, I had no idea what or how the government was ousted!

#10 fruitvale station