
Steam Machines are the new 3DOs.

Here's what's missing from this piece: The FAA Modernization Act passed, but funding to develop the policy and enforcement was blocked, so there is no law on the books requiring US Airways to comply. (Thanks GOP-forced government shutdown and obstructionism.) Also, the law makes it clear that instruments like violins

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This was like the Blair Witch Project of sand dunes.

Does it mean that I'm old and boring since I just use my laptop for this same thing? Less wires.

Holy moly... Next, they will be bringing bottles of milk in scheduled intervals, using only how many empty bottles to data mine how many you need replaced!! Amazing.

That MR-2 is just... Perfect.

Was anybody else humming the theme from "Victory at Sea"?

I think the lesson learnt from that article is to not stuff a smartphone into the back pocket of the pants, and then sit on it expecting nothing to happen as if the smartphone is made of Nintendium.

Would anyone care to let me in on the joke?

It's the space ship that caused both sides to stop fighting if only for a moment.

I'm not sure why a majority of backers would be opposed to this. They got the reward for what they pledged, and the company is more successful than ever. Isn't that what backing is? Isn't it a good faith vote for wanting a thing to have success with a reward?

The watch's earth is spinning the wrong way.

Given the number of people who blare their music over their phone speakers on the subway, I'm REALLY going to hate these watches. Buy some damn earbuds.

I think no one here actually understands that the charger is getting regulated, not the cable. Every smartphone including the iphone uses a full size USB connection to charge the phone. How the other end of that cable attaches to the phone is of no consequence.

I never was on some of those pages, and I haven't heard of some others ...


Tan mom lives here.

The editors also have access to the rest of the internet you know?

Ugh. I am actively confused about things like Evernote. I have tried it, and got about a half-dozen notes in before thinking "well this is tedious as hell."