So really the headline should be “Dodge Makes Kickass Drag Car, Fails to Make it Safe Enough to Race”?
So really the headline should be “Dodge Makes Kickass Drag Car, Fails to Make it Safe Enough to Race”?
One man’s car collection is everyone else’s junkyard!
“Leave Room for the Car in Front” is the most bizarre phrasing for, “Don’t follow to closely” or “Don’t tailgate” I’ve ever seen!
I guess it really depends on how high the drop is.
While opening the aperture does let in more light, the more important use of it is to control the depth of field in your exposures. A low number like f1.8 will give you a razor thin field of focus, while stopping the lens down to something like f12 will pretty much make everything in focus.
When I first saw the name of the film I thought it had something to do with the upcoming Boss Baby movie.
The higher the platter density, the slower the drive needs to spin while maintaining good speeds.
The higher the platter density, the slower the drive needs to spin while maintaining good speeds.
At least he had the sense to bring the most important of the board warriors with him.
So is she claiming that the people in the video are somebody else?
What is a “Stramotas angle” supposed to be?
I do enjoy the lonely wandering of @LostTesla
One could say that if a driver has landed in Formula E that their career is already in sad shape.
If the guy in the back was one of my kids I would shout, “One screen at a time!” at him.
That body kit is an abomination unto itself.
Does the 500 rule mostly apply for full frame cameras or does it apply for crop frame as well?
Wouldn’t it be easier and safer just to get a PO box? That’s what my friends in places like NYC do so that packages aren’t just sitting out all day.
It sounds like the driver is wearing a cat bell. All that dinging would make me crazy!