
No links to where I can buy this game? I suspect it's on Steam as I didn't see it in the Mac App Store.

I'm confused as to how they could ever enforce this. I'm guessing that in actuality it's one in game life for the account you login with, not one for you as a person.

If you are only worried about iOS and Mac releases then don't forget that Sprite Kit and Scene Kit are built-in and included with Xcode.

To quote Gerry from Strangers with Candy, "Kids don't cost money! Kids make money! Especially the little white ones…".

Burnups. The answer is burnups.

When will the FIA finally act on the Pelican menace that is plaguing the WRC?

Ray has lost some hair it seems.

I can't even imagine the lube that would require.

Yup. I tried it after seeing my kids so enthralled by it and was totally underwhelmed.

Left 3, straightens over crest, 40 into house.

The infuriating part is that it's only for a retail key. I just inherited a ASUS laptop that is a few years old from my mother in-law. I decraped it as much as I could, but it still had lots of remnants of things floating around. So I wanted to start fresh.

That is one delicious looking video.

Well hell! What am I going to do with these grain silos full of pennies now?

Now it's time for the counterpoint!

Update: it seems that within the past day or two, the Digital River links no longer work. For now, the best method is to borrow a CD from a friend or find it elsewhere. Sorry about the confusion.

Unlike the permanent numbers scheme, I will actually get behind the FIA on this one. A driver's helmet is the most unique feature that they have when in a car or just wearing a driving suit. It should be something that you see and immediately recognize and know as their own.

Good, goooood...

Iron Mike is not amused.

Clearly that's the case. I've never even heard of a rental that will go that slow.

I've installed and removed the first game about 3 times on my iPad now, but the only sound I ever get is the camera loading tape whenever I switch over. Is there more sound than that? It seems like there would be.