
They were bringing jobs to the area at a cost of several billion in tax breaks which would have been better spent on smaller local businesses that would provide a more broad based prosperity without the catastrophic gentrification and conflict that places like San Francisco have seen.

Let the anti vaxxers and other idiots opt out. In a few generations all the folks who don’t believe in science will have died out or be too feeble to breed.

Forget about these outdated technologies, we need to focus on 7G! or maybe 8 or 9G!!! Its one louder!!!

Comparing it to the Holocaust is an appropriate response. Both are/were an avoidable disaster resulting in the death of millions and devastation of huge parts of the globe. Sadly, we have a clown for a leader and a army of mostly greedy sociopaths for a government, who don’t believe in science except when there is a

“six hours of music streaming or five hours of talk time on a single charge, slightly better than the five hours of music and two hours”

If you don’t think there is a Mac running on an ARM processor right now deep in the heart of the mothership, you are both lacking imagination and knowledge of history. A version of Mac os was running on X86 for several years before Apple abandoned PPC, and why wouldn’t they? They have an army of programmers, engineers

Just commit to only eating animals that you have personally killed and your meat consumption will automatically stabilize at a sustainable level.

Trump says:

It’s so inconvenient when the truth is annoyingly true.

I am going to go with meat and dairy. Not because they are so deadly, but because they are so popular that they have literally brought millions to an early death.

As the prices and performance of the iPad Pros rise into the realm of Macbook Pros, and the graduation of the Adobe Suite to the iPad, the retirement of the Mac is on the horizon, leaving a completely Apple controlled computing experience, from the watch to the phone to ipad to the Apple Music only HomePod.

It seems to me that just a little excavation and resurfacing the road would solve the problem. They would only have to dig down about 8 inches.

Even an idiot would know that you don’t walk on the art.

Who wants to run full Office apps on a 10"screen? Who? And this very review says it does not run Photoshop well.

“as silly as it sounds, it’s a very good reason to buy the Surface Go.”

What the hell is wrong with people to put so much energy into something so uselessly nasty?

Krypton? really? There is no turd stinky enough to compare to it.

You can always count on SYFY to ignore the importance of restoring their brand in the face of short term profits. Seriously, every time I see them doing something good, I know there are more sharknados waiting in the wings. They are the programming equivalent of a 13 year old.

All those billions and that is the haircut he chose? Maybe he was just trying to get people to pity him.

Yes, I’m sure after almost being killed and watching his friends murdered, and then being accused of being a crisis actor the first thing on his mind is how can I use this to increase my twitter followers...