
This is really great for when you are hiding from zombies and you see your baby is about to scream and get you all killed.

I really wonder what sort of shows the naysayers in the comments do like? This show is far above the usual shallow fare on tv and certainly ranks in my 50 best shows list (at least so far) .

So basically if you want to be slightly more inclined to get bowel cancer, keep eating meat, and if you want to slightly reduce your chances of getting bowel cancer, then stop eating meat.

You are better off using one of the many apps that can place virtual objects in a photo or 3d model. If you were going to make real world models, cardboard or even pvc tubing would be sturdier and easier to work with. That being said, it is a cool thing.

I have a 4th way that I have used since the 70’s. I bring water to a boil, then add pasta, then as soon as the water comes to a second boil I turn off the heat, dump in pasta and stir, and let it soak in the covered pot for about 10-15 min depending on pasta thickness. Uses less power and no chance of boiling over and

Chipotle is certainly healthier than just about any other fast food place, unless you make a point of loading up on the less healthier ingredients. The trick is to think of it as two meals, not one.

I believe that airplay has just been updated with the release of ios9:

Homeowning is virtually the only way that people not making lots of money can get ahead. We bought a $79k apt in Miami Beach in 2000 ($440/mo mortgage), by the time we sold it in 2014 it was worth $205k, and several times over the years it had been worth over $300k, but we didn’t want to move.

That is so cute how she is growing to be just as ignorant and detestable as her mom.

If they want more conservative teachers, they should advocate for teachers to be paid more. This would attract the conservatives who naturally tend to choose better paying jobs than the liberal scum who just care about improving the world.

“Nuclear power (which is equal to wind or solar in how it effects the environment, but is actually an efficient energy solution)“

I’m not sure that Trump’s image is much better than Bernie’s, except for his suits.

Yeah, I am sure Trump had to restrain himself from saying : “You mean except on 9/11, right?”

What do you mean? Trump said the Bible was his favorite book, even if he doesn’t want to get into specifics, or even quote actual verses. The refreshing thing is that he acts exactly what he is, a huckster who will say anything to get what he wants. He is kind of like the innocence of a child, mixed with a 55 gallon

With any luck the radiation at Fukishima will cause a mutant strain of algae that grows 10 times as fast, or maybe it will just be algae with “spider sense.”

“The iPhone and iPad are full of great games mostly by accident.”

All the logos above are bitmap PNG’s, so any discussion of the size of the vector graphic SVG’s is totally pointless.

Except for the part where a few teenagers with some programming skills can become billionaires in less than a decade, and how entire industries can virtually disappear, like typesetters, taxis, and typewriters.

The rent vs buy advice is just plain bad, especially now that the rents are overinflated from various funds buying up whole neighborhoods of foreclosed houses.

Unless the guy with the gun is where the crime is about to be commited, that does not work so well. What really does work is having a more equal society, where everyone is treated like a human being, not just the rich folks.