
That is so cute how she is growing to be just as ignorant and detestable as her mom.

If they want more conservative teachers, they should advocate for teachers to be paid more. This would attract the conservatives who naturally tend to choose better paying jobs than the liberal scum who just care about improving the world.

“Nuclear power (which is equal to wind or solar in how it effects the environment, but is actually an efficient energy solution)“

I’m not sure that Trump’s image is much better than Bernie’s, except for his suits.

Yeah, I am sure Trump had to restrain himself from saying : “You mean except on 9/11, right?”

What do you mean? Trump said the Bible was his favorite book, even if he doesn’t want to get into specifics, or even quote actual verses. The refreshing thing is that he acts exactly what he is, a huckster who will say anything to get what he wants. He is kind of like the innocence of a child, mixed with a 55 gallon

“The iPhone and iPad are full of great games mostly by accident.”

The rent vs buy advice is just plain bad, especially now that the rents are overinflated from various funds buying up whole neighborhoods of foreclosed houses.

Youre going to need that money saved on your power bill to pay off the loan for the solar panels.

The vast majority of users are going to do a grid tied system. Unless you are going offf the grid it makes more sense to spend the extra cash on getting more panels rather than a battery, that way you can offset the cost of nighttime power usage with the money you earned from generating more than you used during the

I have two:

I used to do this when I lived in NYC, which gets sweltering in the summer. The missing ingredient is to have one or more fans blowing on you to increase the evaporation. The downside is that you have to get up a couple of times a night to re-soak the sheet.

You assume 2 incomes? so single mom with a couple of kids is not an option?

Looks like the neighbor is a chicken coop.

Using a straightedge or even a piece of lumber clamped to your workpiece as a guide can make it a lot easier to get a straight cut with a jigsaw.

Rust is not bacteria. Rust is oxidized iron. Oxidation is a chemical reaction much like burning.

Hah, I have had 3 of these models die on me.

Now playing

Hardly news, there has been video of it on youtube for over a year:

"what this potentially means is"

Where does the exhaust from the vacuum go?