
Looks like the neighbor is a chicken coop.

Using a straightedge or even a piece of lumber clamped to your workpiece as a guide can make it a lot easier to get a straight cut with a jigsaw.

Rust is not bacteria. Rust is oxidized iron. Oxidation is a chemical reaction much like burning.

With more and more cameras having wifi and it still having a USBc port why is this a problem?

A mouse, a cd drive, and a flash drive can all go into usb, which it still has. You might have to get a USBc to regular USB adapter, but that hardly seems a problem.

Sure, eVoting sucks, but paper ballot voting is subverted all the time, with ballots being hijacked and disappeared, and reducing voting hours so that the "undesirables" will have less chance to vote, people being added to no-vote lists and the counting methods being corrupted. The only way to make any voting method

The writer is undoubtedly of the tribe that has no making skills at all, eating only takeout and not even able to tell you how to add oil to his car.

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It will probably use induction to prevent falls. For an example:

The other guy who climbed it in 5.65 seconds must have been so pissed.

A nice circular death star rug would seem to be a natural complement.

Hah, I have had 3 of these models die on me.

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Hardly news, there has been video of it on youtube for over a year:

So if it does not protect from the weather, and it has no significant cargo space, why not just ride a bike, or an ebike?

More like the first prototype tv being small blurry black and white and getting no channels.

Now, if they showed a successful landing I would be really impressed.

Dr. Emil Lizardo comes pretty close too.

Really, you can describe the movie without mentioning John Lithgow as an insane Italian scientist who is in league with creatures from another dimension who are all named John?

You clearly do not understand how networks work.

"We knew there would be backlash to the Snowden leaks, but it's not just political; Edward Snowden cost the United States a lot of money"

If executives were held responsible for the actions of the companies they head, we would have a very different world.