
Darn those kids of 2020 with their hoverboards and levitating trains. They will probably look at wheels the way we look at rotary phones or the NES.

Red Bull just sells caffeine laced soft drinks. Death defying lunatics are doing the daredevil stuff.

It depends on how much wind there is. On a very windy day a 21m kite will just get you killed.

$420!!! (spits water all over monitor) Ha Ha Ha...

And if the water is cool it will condense on the surface of the bottle all over everything else in your bag. At least they could include a neoprene sleeve to protect the rest of your stuff and keep your water cool.

Jeb Corliss, one of the best of this breed (google grinding the crack) got close enough that he broke both of his ankles on a flight. He is still flying.

The peanut mill should be reconfigured to pedal like a bicycle, or use a ratchet mechanism on a rocking chair. Hand cranking is not smart for brute strength applications.

The fins are mostly submerged and they are perpendicular to the water. it is like a VAWT pointing down into the water.

I have seen this idea in many versions since the 1960's

This is such a mistake for MS in two ways. First of all the experience will not be good because the hardware is so minimal, and second of all they are making nearly no money on this deal, so they are essentially crapping on whatever shred of reputation they have left for zilch.

Where does the exhaust from the vacuum go?

For me it enhances it.

The whole reason to sterilize it is to make sure that the right bacteria (that make it taste yummy) have a head start, but I am pretty sure it was a few millenia before some clever guy figured out how to stack the odds in favor of the right bacteria. The health problems of leaving food out are way exaggerated, or our

Even worse news for bacteriophobes: We are mostly bacteria:

This seems like techno overkill. I used to make yogurt mixing a small cup of columbo yogurt (because it had a live culture) with 3 quarts of warm water and 3 packets of dry milk in a pot, which I covered and left in the oven (which had a pilot light) overnight. The next day: Yogurt! I did this for several years, with

Don't feel bad, I have seen humans, and he is clearly something else.

$20 for 10! even with inflation, that is a much better deal.

Actually, there are several types of speakers that use different parts. Piezoelectric speakers for example.

Choose two: Reliable, Flexible, Cheap. You can't get all 3.

If you needed to supply AC or refrigeration you could use the cold released when the air is decompressed to make use of that extra energy (or technically lack of energy).