
Somehow these problems have not prevented Germany from becoming the solar generating champion of the world, in spite of having LESS solar potential than ANY US state except Alaska. Several times in the last couple of years they have approached or exceeded powering 50% of the country by the sun. The big thing that has

How far things have declined. Not only does my house not look nearly as grand as that "Average " home, but none of my rooms have built in radios...

"disused carpet tiles"

driving 4" screws into pitchy pine makes my cordless curl up in the corner, while my $20 B+D just chews through it.

It's like a musician suing their fan base. How clueless can they get? They should be paying her, not persecuting her. Most smart companies wish that somebody would find new uses for their products and then publicize it for free.

Not as good range indeed, like 1/4 the range.

I wonder if the locks he was selling were any better than the ones he was picking.

What is it about Chinese farmers? Every couple of months they seem to come out with a new homemade helicopter, or submarine, rideable luggage or even robots. What kind of STEM education do farmers get there, and why?

That looks like an alien crawling up your transom!

What this indicates to me is that if car ventilation systems were designed around airflow rather than AC then you could have the windows up and get good cooling, and get even better mileage. At least in dry climates.

You could also just use firefoxes "Bookmark all tabs" command and save them in a folder, and delete the folder when you are done using them. This method lets you delete individual tabs and add new tabs to the folder.

It works barely on ios, and its a little better on osx, but neither are anything to get even slightly excited about.

So Google killed third party GV calling apps, and offered the crippled Hangouts in return. Laggy and with the worst interface of any Google product, Google has finally pushed me to give up on them for phone calls or texts. Sure, kill Google Voice, but don't do it before you have a full featured replacement, or skype

Of all the vehicles to do a commute with a bumpy bridge and hills, any kind of skateboard seems like the worst choice (except perhaps inline skates). A folding bike or an electric scooter is going to be cheaper, safer and handle bumps and gaps far easier than any skateboard, and I am sure a $12-1500 goped scooter

Or you could just hold a gun to the guys head and say give me all your money.

Or you could be ultra secure and follow the example of the guy who used his nipple for touchid.

Flexible Plastic?

I would rather have a cable saw and a leatherman. less than 1/3 the price with far more uses without having to carve your own handle.

The safe way would be to get a cable attached to the top of the weakened tower, and pull it down rather than wait for it to fall.

Just add a leap controller interfaced with a syth and any object can be your instrument.