
In some other dimension they all jammed together and much awesomeness was created.

What about paying for the wars we fought years ago like Vietnam, and the care for the veterans, and the care for the families of the fallen? Don't forget the costs of maintaining 700 military bases around the world, and don't forget the intelligence networks like the NSA and CIA.

bad airplane design.

We don't have the morons in congress pass any tests to make judgements on technology, education, national defense, guns, or healthcare. They just have to win a popularity contest in one small part of the country, usually by saying some stupid thing about how government does not work.

And now we are not. Check out this research paper by some real scientists, that basically finds that the only time the general public's will is carried out, is when it coincides with corporate or rich people's interests:

I would much rather have this option than having the paid off and blackmailed politicians that we have now. Sure, a lot of people are idiots, but if you select only the people that bother to vote and then average their wisdom, they are pretty damn smart, and a lot closer to the will of the public than what we get now,

You may think of yourself as human, but 90 percent of the cells in your body are actually bacterial. That's 100 trillion microbes living on your skin, in your gut, up your nostril—any body surface you can think of.

Siri, what is $167.32 times 1.18

Yeah, but between the two of you, you only have 2 ears each. Where do you come up with the extra ear?

"I went over to the sargent, said, "Sargeant, you got a lot a damn gall to ask me if I've rehabilitated myself, I mean, I mean, I mean that just, I'm sittin' here on the bench, I mean I'm sittin here on the Group W bench 'cause you want to know if I'm moral enough join the army, burn women, Kids, houses and villages

Of course the poor sucker who is standing behind the guy with the phone is also toast.

No amount of screaming by the public will stop our representatives from screwing us over and over again. I figure it is because there is no downside to betraying the public trust. Even if they lose their government job they have a cushy private sector job waiting for them in the same industry they were supposed to

The battery/cylinders on the bike look so cheesy with the cooling fins just printed on. They should have spent the extra cash and made real cooling fins, or hid the batteries in the "gas tank".

The ease of defending these drones is far easier than shooting them down. Laser flashes, making the drones transparent, having decoys, all work, as well as flying higher and faster so they are harder to hit. The drones they shot down are lame weekend toys compared to many rc planes which can go hundreds of mph yet

Sounds like a great idea. A little pill you take before each drink. I can see people wanting to use this to stop from getting drunker. So you have a couple of drinks and have a nice buzz, and then you meet this nice girl that just arrived at the party. You don't want to get sloppy drunk while she is on her second

The problem I see is that the granularity of the babes clothes is such that you can get a max of 6 pieces of positive reinforcement, so the lessons have to be very brief, or it is a long time between motivations.

He does this every monday at 2pm. All the folks that live around there are tired of this tireless attention whore.

What an idiot. He actually paused before he started across the tracks, I guess he wanted to make it more exciting.

IOS please.

Far cheaper to put some big mylar mirrors in orbit.