
I have to wonder why they do not try to integrate it into the frames. Make the frames beefier and make both temples (arms) thicker so you can divide the battery and electronics between them instead of having a massive slab on one side. Making the frames more symmetrical would help a lot. People are biased to accept

I am still looking for a movie that I saw a fragment of back around 1970. It is a black and white movie and there is a one man in a liferaft floating in the ocean that is about to get blown up by the navy. I think he might have been an alien.

They are missing the market if they think this is for security or farmers. There are far cheaper and more practical devices for those markets. Gadget lovers and SciFi fans are more like it, although the 10mph does puncture the fantasy pretty quickly. For a practical scooter a nice GoPed is a much better bet, at 1/4

"Daily life for most people in America is great?"

Why is it called the circle of life, coouldnt it just as easily be the circle of death?

No mention of Gimp? Pixelmator is a great program (I own and use it) but Gimp is closer to being a Photoshop replacement. Also for simple stuff Seashore is free and easy to use. As far as Sketch being an illustrator replacement, it could work in specific niches like icon design, but it is missing many of the basic

Where there's a willy there's a way.

"I dare you to envision a scenario in which you'd be plugged into a watch with your earbuds." Ipod nano last gen sold lots of watchbands.

Any writer scientifically illiterate enough to think this would work has no business writing anything even slightly related to science or technology.

As if hard drives don't have enough reliability problems without untested firmware being stuck on by Big Brother.

I used to think the Samsung ads trashing Apple were the most pathetic ones ever, but this digs the hole even deeper.

They all got so old:•(


You could also get the effect to work with a strobe light, but sadly the naked eye can't perceive these types of animation without some kind of visual interruption.

It would have been so much more interesting if instead of another shallow skynet technophobic fantasy it was that the human race was threatened by some disaster like a an asteroid strike or a supernova, and the AI rescues the world or maybe the whole human race escapes the physical disaster by uploading into a

I think it just is the Apocalypse indicator.

That sounds like a recipe for some funky tasting eggs, are you sure there is not more than 3 Tbs of flour?

TouchID is far more secure than having no passcode as about 50% of people do. Also as far as being easily cracked, I have seen some elaborate multi step processes involving making molds of fingerprints, but nothing that I have would qualify as easy.

FYI if you got the AppleCare with your computer it covers the charger as well, so 3 years of replacements is included.

If Roosevelt were able to run today as a Libertarian...