
or pushpins

Assuming the financiers, engineers and builder are not all insane and do not want to destroy their careers and lose all their money , I suspect that this building is rather well planned and researched. I would be just fine going inside it.

It already exists. Google Zoysia

I think I first saw this tip in a Popular Mechanics from the late 40's.

$3 for info available in a 2sec web query? Why?

couldnt you also have the thread go from the outside to the inside and out again giving you two threads (and making the knot unnecessary) for larger pots?

If you actually read the article the water is a closed loop where it is turned to steam and then condensed and used again.

Just like Rearden metal, without the rape and vicious class warfare!

You can buy 28lb folding bikes now, so a 5 lb bike is easy, how about a 1lb bike?

it said that the metal is make hundreds of time stronger and that the process hardly adds any weight, so they could use much less metal, so it would be lighter and better for space vehicles.

I bought 50 clothespins for $1.69 and now I smile knowingly every time I pass the 79 cent chip clips at the store.

maybe they have their ipad upside down with the camera on the bottom?

Beef up the space station with hydroponic gardens and better shielding, and maybe and exercise/sleeping ring, and cruise on over to mars at a leisurely pace. Stay 6 months or a year and then amble on back. Or better yet, make a permanent colony there.

In Miami in the summer it can get to be 100% humidity and 96°. I challenge anyone to bike more than a few blocks to arrive dry. Also, even when I was a very fit kid I sweated a lot, and that has not changed. On the other hand I am totally comfy when other people are shivering, and reaching for their down jackets.

Soldiers in hot climates have solved this problem.

"combined creative input of the Vampire Diaries' Julie Plec and Arrow's Greg Berlanti."

Why not? The only thing to feel unselfconscious about is if you behave unprofessionally. If you are craving the freedom to behave unprofessionally without being exposed, then perhaps being a policeman/woman is not a good career fit for you.

There are bugs in everything we eat.

No relationship with the NSA, except they are spying on all of your communications, just like they are doing with everyone else. BTW how do we know that the NSA is not secretly forcing your to deny your relationship?

A bigger bowl may be in order? Maybe a plastic bin?