
Anybody who uses individual credit card debt as a analogy for how debt works for nations needs to crack open an economics textbook.

Or make your own in 5 minutes out of an old sleeping bag.

I disagree, a billion dollars is a billion dollars anywhere you go.

The thing is, driving to and from your job is part of the job, it is not something that you would be doing if you did not work there, so since it is integral to the job it is part of it, although a part that you don't get paid for.

Surely the transportation departments are tracking their vehicles via GPS, so it is puzzling to me why they don't provide that info to the public so we can have apps like this work more accurately.

If you want to make a toy last forever you don't make it like that, you make it like this.

Yahoo? They might as well partner with AOL.

Oxygen is only 21% of the atmosphere, so I imagine everyone might have their ears pop and cough once or twice. Also some fires would probably go out.

They don't make computers.

I don't get what the big deal is about getting to mars. It is just as uninhabitable as the moon. We should spend our space dollars on: first of all creating self sufficient spacecraft that can be lived on indefinitely, and secondly moon bases. It is important to get a significant portion of humanity into space so the

I think the principle is the same, it is just that with one the ejecting material comes from the sacrificial material carried in the engine itself, and in the other it is using the air around it as the ejecting material. The ionic part just refers to ionizing the material to be ejected so that it can be manipulated by

Bone sensing?

The problem with the design is twofold, first of all all the stress is concentrated on a single point in the frame, and second of all, if you are going to carry heavy loads on a bike, you should carry them as low down as possible like the attached image.

I think you are mistaken, It was Harry Belafonte as Mace Windu. Daaayo!

"sores away from the earth" Is that like astronaut herpes?

So since the napkins need to be folded in half, the boat above is showing it holding 3, or maybe 4 napkins. That is not very practical.

Treestyle tabs in Firefox solve the problems with seeing what's in your tabs as they run down the side of the window so you can read the full titles of each. I have 3 rows of pinned tabs and 32 regular tabs easily visible right now.

You can easily copy and paste on any tablet, and it is trivial to create a custom keyboard for specific needs.

Buy one and swap out the SSD for a big one for another 5 bills.

I saw an open network called "MegaVirus".