
"When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something."

I would gladly trade working harder for being happier.

"If only the Jedi master could have seen what lied ahead"

I use greek yogurt as a substitute for buttermilk in pancakes and waffles and it works great with a very similar tang and crumb.

So it only works on steel frames, no control over the angle the light points at, and you need to remove it to prevent theft. Sweet!

Mount an old exercise bike with a platform for your laptop on the handlebars and you can have that for about $50. As far as the energy generation is concerned, just turn off the lights in your home when you are not using them and you will save far more than 30watts.

Buy a $220 tandem bike (rated 4 stars) at walmart and add some big panniers to the rear and you will have all the capacity you need for a tiny fraction of what these bikes cost, even if you go nuts and upgrade the hardware on the bike. Heck at that price you could include an electric bike upgrade kit and still spend

"Ikea's reputation for less than stellar merch"

If more Americans worked for Apple then more Americans could afford Apple products. That sounds like a win for the stockholders too.

Dyson's "rein" as in leather straps to control a horse, or "reign" as in a king ruling over a country. Seriously does anybody even read these before they are posted? I guess we can be grateful that it was not "rain"...

It seems like a great option if you just need to use their products for a few weeks, although if you need it for less than 30 days the free trial is better.

Twisting your torso makes you look skinnier and curvier as well as showing both your front and rear assets. Why wouldn't you use that pose.

The recoil would make that copter shoot all over the sky, it would be impossible to aim. Now using mini rpgs is a whole different story.

To avoid the work and expense of multiple layers of expensive magnetic paint, just get a sheet of thin steel plate from a place that makes ducts and just paint that with the chalkboard paint.

I am curious how the "make money from touring" model works with bands that have disbanded or have died.

how is this better than dragon dictation which is free and puts the transcribed text on the clipboard.

When your engine fails or a fuel line clogs, that parachute will come in handy. BTW planes do glide without power.

Look at the rate of increase in energy density of batteries over the last 50 years vs the rate of increase in energy density of liquid fuels, and it is clear who is going to win this horse race in the long run.

"the stories of electric cars randomly stopping"

Maybe they will be able to use the overactive cells in your ears and nose to jumpstart your hairline!