
The idea that WikiLeaks is somehow even slightly equivalent to the trillion dollar intelligence behemoth that can see what kind of car you drive from a key in your hand seen from a satellite in orbit is so absurd that anything subsequent to that concept is clearly uselessly wrong information.

Resistive screens will work with any hard object.

All the other guys in the first video are saying "Oh Crap, Oh Crap, Ohhhhh Crappppp!", and the last guy is saying "I am a Golden God, bow down before my awsomeness!"

No chance of becoming president? Are you familiar with Sarah Palin, and that she was nearly the last VP?

You sir, win an exclusive place on the no-fly list.

"(excluding Alaska and Hawaii, where people apparently don't smoke weed.)"

I don't think this word "flop" means what you think it means.

Considering every camera body comes with a plastic cap that does the same function for free, I think I will pass and spend the $100 on actually useful.

"Thanks to the SSD, it starts up in just under 25 seconds and powers down in just over 7 seconds."

skitch has done this for years.

I want to know if the WebOS is faster on the iPad than IOS.

It would make sense to include a Apple Newton in the before collection. After all, it ran a lightweight OS, but communicated well with regular computers, and had great battery life. With the exception of the B+W screen and the stylus it was as close to an iPad as the early 90's tech was capable of.

Apple already has a sub 1000 notebook: the i5 11" macbook air at $999. Actually with a student discount it is $949 and you get $99 to spend on apps or music or movies on itunes.

Doesn't your governor have some special prayer technique to deal with that hot weather?

Pretty much every drop of water on earth has probably gone through at least one creature, so the idea of purifying urine to drink is really just exactly what we do every day anyway, with just variations on the type and effectiveness of the water purification.

This just ridiculous.

Assuming you are attacked by a nation, that is just fine, but it took us 10 years and half a trillion dollars to get the guy who did 9/11. All the nukes and high tech in the world are not a deterrent against stateless suicide bombers.

If we actually had any enemies that were going to attack us with missiles it might make sense, but I am far more afraid of a dirty bomb in a piper cub flying at 200ft towards San Diego launched from a Mexican airstrip than an ICBM attack.

I sure am glad we did not waste that cash on healthcare, infrastructure or jobs programs.

Great, so instead of a free movie (if you have your own headphones) now you get to pay $4 for it. If I have my own laptop, I think I will bring my own media thank you anyway.