
All this complaining is a little baffling. At Apple a US student is elgible for $100 off on a $1199 Macbook Pro 13", $66 off the $249 Applecare and gets a $100 certificate good for apps, games, books, movies or music. That comes out to $266 in savings. Not too shabby in my estimation.

Why are these organizations with such lackluster security being given a free pass? They should have to pay for the damage and inconvenience they are causing peoples lives.

Share with a family? I love my family, but aside from my wife I don't think I want to share spit with them. It seems like a great way to spread diseases if the soda does not kill them.

About half of what is said in this article is either exaggerated or just plain wrong like the bit about "unfortunately".

For God's sake calm down and just keep your porn on an external drive!

I would totally trade a retina display for a real USB port that can have a thumb drive or a HD plugged into it.

Totally dorky looking. Nobody who is seen using this will ever get laid again.

I wonder if just sticking a 32gb SD card in the apple camera connection kit wouldn't do the same thing (along with using an appropriate file management app).

If you look at the features, the jump from 3 to 3gs was a bigger leap than from 3gs to 4.

You might hire me because of the experience I got from my work for free job.

I am sure his barn is the worlds biggest slingshot museum.

"Why is this not more widely used? "

You can use several different types of filament. That one looks like polylactic acid aka PLA.

an instant on mode would be awesome, but with MBAirs booting in 15 seconds I am not sure how much faster I need...

The reason they don't sell unlocked phones is that they signed a deal with ATT and now Verizon that gives Apple a share of every iPhone phone bill. What changed? I guess either Apple decided they could make more $ selling unlocked phones or their partners were unwilling to cough up enough $ to keep the exclusivity.

Like all the phones that cost less than the iPhone?

The $14 is more like $10 for most apple retail and health benefits are not included for part time employees.

Allow kids on FB? Go into any Apple store on a weekend and at least 20% of the people there are under 16 kids checking their FB accounts and mugging for the webcam.

Very nice.

One thing to keep in mind is that your hearing range decreases as you get older, so while a 20 year old might hear a 20k htz high note, a 30 year old most likely can't, so if you are over 27 you probably are not even physically capable of hearing the difference between 256kb vs 320kb, and most likely 192kb will sound