
Having so many enemies is very expensive.

@hardeho: Assuming cavemen were not intelligent just because they did not have the infrastructure we have is also a bad assumption. Few people alive today could survive in the wild with just a few sticks and stones for tools.

It is totally baffling why they chose to change from a very compact slightly disorganized interface to something that takes up half my screen with no dicernible change in functionality.

"and the second detector is put in precisely the same place, keeping the spatial symmetry in tact."

Wake up, everything from a fast food restaurant with meat in it would make you barf if you knew what was in it and watched it being made. Look at what goes into hot dogs for a real eye opener.

4.6 zoom? I need at least a 6x or 7x.

I will get a smartphone when the battery life climbs to half of my dumbphones 1 week long charge.

@xTRICKYxx: The cheapest Air boots in about 1/3 the time of a high end Macbook Pro.

@Darkelementz: Both the 11" and and 13" Air boot in 17 seconds, except in the Apple store where they restore the hard drive when the computer is restarted.

@Aklost: Clearly you have not used the Air.

Step one: Get rid of your injet printers and get a laser printer.

@bombastinator: I would say that the "cattle" attitude is far more ATT than Apple. Apple actually has close to, if not the highest customer satisfaction ratings of any brand.

No Notion Ink?

@pegogreytop: I totally can identify with that. Both me and my wife read very fast and rarely need a book for longer than a 3 or 4 days, and the books look nearly new when we are done. I wish we could just rent them for $1/day.

It looks like the table is on an ironing board too.

A couple of thoughts:

@The5thElephant: Skype is the 900lb gorilla in the Vchat world. Most folks have never even heard of Fring, and I have never heard of Tango.

How about skipping the "are you sure you want to shut down" dialog?

@AreWeThereYeti: Not sure where your info is coming from, but the theoretical minimum length of a space elevator is 24k miles not 40 and carbon nanotubes are easily strong enough to build it. Finally the terrorist problem is not that big a deal (no more so than for nuke power plants) because to get a bomb high up