
That square stern is a nightmare both aesthetically and hydrodynamically (when it is submerged), but the rest of it looks pretty sweet.

I love Miro.

Now if you could have GV forward calls to your GV number to your Skype account the circle would be complete.

I love Miro. It incorporates the VLC code, but adds torrenting, RSS feeds, media file management and search.

I have done this with binoculars that had one side broken.

Oh boy, now they are really f*cked.

He has also done some absolutely stunning pictures of marlins and sailfish.

That actually looks like it might be worth $5. I did not see any ads.

Don't waste your time.

@getmeherenow001: You clearly have not done your research. Plenty of hollywood types have done great work (notably Paul Newman), and Cameron has been a major contributor to many worthy causes. Probably a bit more than you.

@frigg: Wasn't Mandy Moore in that too? Or was it Jessica Alba? I loved that movie. I can hardly wait for it to come out on bluray.

@lewis82: Better than a ziplock, I would heat seal it into the bag, then cut it out of the bag when done.

@kingcrim84: Clearly you do not own any real estate in coastal areas.

@anabbeynormality: Would you say the same thing if she were 18? What is the age that you would allow people to decide their fate?

Folded it looks like a variant of the shuttle from Star Trek TOS.


@philosopher_dog: I think your advice is good especially for woks, since they are normally used on very high flame, which disintegrates the teflon especially quickly and releases toxic gasses that can kill nearby birds (and are not so great for humans too).

Um, there is this little program called Skype that people have been using for video calls for about 4 years. I have heard it is quite popular.

@Prairie Moon: Who needs 24fps, 10 or 15 works fine for me.

Or you could just tape up some mylar from the art supply store.