@MR. FAP☆FAP!: It stands to reason, the Wii is only 480p which is not HD.
@MR. FAP☆FAP!: It stands to reason, the Wii is only 480p which is not HD.
The Wii Diet:
Miro 2 is great on my Mac. I use it to both catalog and view video clips for my project archives as well as viewing tv shows and movies. I could wish that Miro supported tags and that the WMV support was better because the flipformac wmv control panel it uses is very slow, sometimes taking 45 seconds to import a wmv…
Since most plants mainly care about red and blue light, I think a cheap solution would be to get a couple of strings of Xmas lights in the appropriate colors and mount them on a cardboard screen that you can bend around your plants. Cheap and festive!
If you look at the two philosophies it is pretty clear who will win in the end.
@banda: The whole blurring thing in close-up photos is an artifact of when you shoot a subject close to the lens it decreases the depth of field. A tilt-shift mechanism allows you to move the lens all over the place relative to the film, and some of those positions create a similar effect to the close-up photos for…
@Allegra Sloman: I Googled PWD too to see where all this righteous outrage is coming from and it looks like his big accomplishment is getting a Facebook page.
Be careful about storing data DVDs and CDs that you have burned in a climate controlled area. I stored a bunch of DVDs in a box in the garage (in Florida) and 2 years later about half of them were useless, the humidity and heat had oxidized the metal layer and destroyed my data.
I made an app that did this about 14 years ago, and I found it worked surprisingly well.
@BorisTheBrave: If you don't think that the taste and texture of artisan bread is any better than the loaves from bread machines, then there is no reason to bother.
To be really really sneaky you can use a phone socket that has 2 line capacity, and connect line 1 to your phone line and line 2 to the usb drive. That way you can have your working phone plugged into the socket, making it look totally innocent. If you need to access the phone and the drive simultaneously you can get …
.9 seems to have broken drag and drop into the playlist as well as making it so that when you drag multiple files onto the app icon it only sees the first one.
It looks flashy and a bit garish to me (especially the calendar), and the logos are especially hideous.
It is sad but true that the terrorists won. If someone had told me in 2000 that in a mere 8 years that most of the bill of rights was blatantly ignored on a daily basis with no public outcry I would have said that would only be possible if this country was conquered. We are giving up everything that made this country…
Or you can just pretend to be drunk, which is easy when you are around drunk people. It has the advantage of making you safer driving home.
Another option is that you can use disposable shavers, but use a shaver sharpener so they last for 130 shaves:
The pennies are totally superfluous. Any heat that comes into the box is going to heat the air, pennies or not. Adding a aluminum foil reflector to focus more sunlight into the box would make it hotter.
To really appeal to the geeks the product should have been called "By Your Command", properly evoking the original BSG Cylons.
A couple of ideas: