
For the record, Tina Fey’s not funny to me. A few of her movies are funnier than most of her SNL skits. Then again, most of SNL just isn’t very funny to me these days.

Anyways, yeah, I generally agree with this article. When it comes to race relations, I’m both a bit of MLK and a bit of Malcolm X.

MLK pointed out

I wish every black kid had a black mother.

In this world, it just helps.

Not even well-meaning white mothers to biracial kids can truly carry their child’s woes.

Esp., if that child’s born in a family where half is white, and often times, halfway is their acceptance of the child. I’ve seen that theme too many times.

Oh, please. Germany never truly “de-Nazified.” Not as much as you’d think.

The biggest lie Western civilization has told in the past 70 years is that the evil flames of Germany’s past were stomped out.

The cinders of the past remain...

Welp, time to own a gun.

I hate the idea, but we’re in a civil war now and we’ve been at the advent for civil war for quite some time now.

I hate guns, but when you can’t trust police, can’t trust government, and can’t trust your neighborhood, what’s left? Faith in human spirit?

When leadership is bent against unity,

One intrinsic problem I have with that even females have to be careful not to sound too female about women’s issues.

Medical institutions and schools are now increasingly abstaining from referring to pregnant and nursing women as “pregnant and nursing mothers,” just to not offend trans women.

I do agree that those white women just need to shut the hell up here. White women get all the global regard one could ask for—they’re not lacking with any compliments.

I’m going to start an army someday.

Keep testing my nerves, America.

1. When WILL these young women ever learn to stop trusting their young kids in the care of these men they, honestly, barely even know?

And funny enough, historically, people of the Caucasus like Armenians were once regarded as the “ideal” white (some even believed they were the origin of whiteness).

If you think this tacky-ass haircut was “dignity”...

The barber gave the guy service, but I don’t think he did this redneck any favors. lol

According to Heard, the customer did it because he was a fan of the rapper Yelawolf, who has a record label named SlumMerican.

It’s sad, but a “Kimye” situation with Tupac and Madonna at that time would’ve been sadder.

Well, Tupac wasn’t exactly wrong.

How the fuck are Italians or Jews not white? Like, to anyone? That’s not even a question. They’re white by any sense someone wants to measure them.

It’s weird to me whenever some folks in life don’t regard Jews as white. Just because they’re not as pale as the ass of an Irishman, doesn’t negate Jews as white.


Clearly, you’re not aware of the growing issue of black men abandoning black women (or, at least, making a trophy status about white women), and the impact it sets on young black men.

This “lookit my white girl” trend’s causes quite a lot of issues, within black society. Most particularly regarding successful black

Tall lean guys like that generally aren’t known for focusing on fitness. Esp. in Europe where physical basketball isn’t even their style.

Then again, it’s been a long while since we’ve had someone as tall and lean as Porzingis entering the League.

I think he’s adjusting to this new era of physical fitness, even from

Man, if the Unicorn gets ripped and develops some upper-body strength, look out, folks. He’ll become a Stallion.

“Motherfucker” is literally a worse concept, a more disturbing imagery, and a more crafted level of vulgarity than “cunt.”

Generally, I can understand someone’s distaste for the term. Or one’s distaste for profanity in general.

But for folks to act all extta-shocked by a word which carries the same express meaning, and

Well, on several levels, even in the face of risk, I’m one to step up.

First of all, I’m black. Someone’s being overtly threatening and racist, my guard is up and my adrenaline’s off the charts, anyways. There’s no hiding this identity about myself. I’m black and inescapably so. So, in such a scenario, I’m already

What if they aren’t white? I only ask because you specified you say something to an angry white guy or lady, and I find that qualifier confusing.