
That’s probably not the wildest thing Newt ever saw in a DC restroom!

“She knows she can be tough at times,” the source continued, “but believes she works hard and is extremely creative and that it’s a privilege to work for her and be around her.”

Didn’t she and her husband threaten legal action against Celebrity Rehab for discriminating against her disease, or some such nonsense?

Sounds like Michaele's remarriage has been quite the Journey

I mean, that she built her career on the rails of the deeply racist, hugely problematic criminal justice system, and that she lacks the progressive bona fides of some other potential candidates, like Warren, are legitimate, substantive reasons to not want her to be the pick. That she is ambitious (something which

Hey now. Don’t forget the part where a large chunk of white America views the simple fact that one black person can rise to be the head of a deeply racist institution as proof positive that racism itself has been somehow fixed, job well done.

It’s been really annoying how in the news and on social media Kamala Harris is constantly portrayed as too confident and too ambitious. Since she’s unapologetic about possessing those qualities some have taken that as proof she *must* be arrogant, egotistical, calculating, and untrustworthy.

She was on WWHL with Laverne Cox a couple weeks ago. Andy asked her about being the nominee. She dodged the question by expertly answering that she was going to do whatever she could to make Biden the next president. I guess for these yahoos, that means not being his running mate. We all know the real reason why

That train has already left the station though so I guess those “powerful Biden supporters” (aka: morons) will have to face the inevitable.

Anyone else been having whack ass dreams lately? I already had crazy dreams because of the meds I take to sleep, but they’ve been insane lately. I had a lot of really intense, vivid dreams at the beginning of quarantine. Then they subsided, and now they’re back. Had one last night about a guy who I was off and on

Thanks for an important remembrance, Harron!

You got the dog! Thats what truly matters.

It’s the grief that sets you free. I’m glad new things are beginning for you.

oh my GOD this is like a real life anime scene

Glad things are looking up for you :)

My dad spent half his life battling primary progressive MS, so I know how hard it can be. Hang in there-I hope the infusions help, and you get some relief from the tooth pain sooner rather than later. 

About a month ago, I got my infusion to treat my multiple sclerosis. Since I had to go to the hospital’s infusion wing, I was super careful, fully masked, washed my hands, and it was a successful infusion.

All of these are poetry.

This has happened TWICE to a colleague of mine. She is a terrible person, so I feel like in this case it is karma actually doing the right thing for once.

I once tripped over my own feet, while halfway down the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. I landed in a heap at the bottom. But I was eight years old and made of rubber. The only injury was to my pride.