
Thanks all, she’s just...I lost my two senior cats within the past two years. My heart is just broken without feline energy and love in my home.

Does anyone here use a cat stroller? My new kitty arrives October, and I really want her to be a good traveler, go on adventures with me and my dog Mac. I bought a sling specifically made for carrying cats, small pets, but I’m thinking of getting a stroller for longer walks, urban adventurinG.

This is one of those times, I really, really, want to hear from her perspective. And, maybe have her read it, on video, and record his reaction. Though, this individual is so far up their own asshole I’m not sure they’d actually hear anything she said, and instead only hear the words that validate their perception as

If I recall, it was the Left stall 

I won! Maybe the first time anything about Newt has caused a woman happiness.

I made fish tacos, homemade guacamole and this ridiculous white wine sangria last night. There was an earthquake here and I didn’t feel it. I accidentally bought a skort today and I love it.

Awww, just...just don’t go into the men’s room, ok? Let’s not be THAT close. 

Yup, is it still around ?!?

Mid 90s, DC, oyster bar near the White House, boyfriend and I getting busy in the men’s room, my skirt is up to here, boyfriends hands are right about there...bam, door opens, boyfriend is all of a sudden wrapping his arms around me, which is weird, cause, I’m taller and in heels, so hiding me is like hiding a giraffe

I’m not sure. I just remember how pissed I was she used her, alleged, MS diagnosis to excuse her deplorable behavior, and, as someone battling MS, was personally offended. MS doesn’t make you an asshole, that’s just your natural state, schnookooms. Plus, she was all sketchy about her diagnosis, and refused to offer

I too am JCV positive, which, when my numbers got unreasonably high, I was taken off Tysabri, at the four week schedule, and put on Ocrevus. After that reaction, I switched back to Tysabri, on six week dosage. Two years now, and pretty steady past nine months. So don’t panic, it’ll smooth out soon. ☺️

Can I be nosy and ask which drug? I had something similar happen on my second, full, Ocrevus infusion - felt ill for a week, returning symptom was muscle weakness and spasms in my legs, making walking difficult. Lasted three months; ended up going back to Tysabri, on the six week regimen, because, PML.

This week I confirmed and moved forward with my decision not to contest my divorce, in essence walk away from 20 years of partnership with my dog, some clothes, and the bodum. I don’t own a fork, a pillow, a plate (I rent a fully furnished home). Annnd, I feel so fucking light, and at peace. The past five, fuck maybe

My childhood was the Christopher Guest film, Best in Show, with collies. During a herding trial, I was maybe 11? I was trying to corral a bunch of geese to the barn for the trial, and this ONE goose just refused. Now, why I didn’t have any collies who could herd with me god only knows. So I’m chasing this goose all

These are awesome stories! I started thinking back to my childhood. I was/am super clumsy. So, my best childhood clumsy accidents, in any order:

I broke my face while jogging. Tripped, used my face as a break, six stitches, broken occipital bone and six weeks of being handed domestic abuse flyers by homeless people. I tripped over my own foot. I do not jog anymore.

Hi neighbor!

Asheville is my home. I’m very proud of my home for this step, albeit a small one. Looking forward to the next council meeting in three weeks, where we can hopefully start to bring some hard details to this resolution.

Thanks for this, and yes, this pivot began during a depressive time for him, with life changing events. And, sorry about your uncle, it’s hard to see people struggle though their issues, especially when they turn not to their family, but to strangers