
If we go to dinner with the 8 year old she always has a phone and earbuds to listen to some shitty youtube channel she likes. Keeps her quiet and we have a nice, but still very fast meal.

He’s basically Dr. Nick from the Simpsons, except not as funny.

Up next...everyone on Seinfeld was so mean!!!

I would have shown up to court in a neck brace with a cane demanding all the money. Then I’d buy a fur coat, with a hood.

Evidently Kardashian pussy will make you crazy. Drove OJ to kill and Kanye has been Yoko Ono’d by it.

Brokaw’s explanation sucked because he went out of his way to attack the accuser. That always smells bad. You want to say it never happened then fine but to start pointing out the shortcomings or failures of the person accusing you is suspect.

This is the biggest non-story making headlines. In other news, the rally held by the fucking president of the country booed Hispanics. Did he say stop or apologize? Fuck no.

He needs unfrozen caveman lawyer.

How about $10 for some skin toner.

The Beatles wrote songs because they wanted a swimming pool, but people thought oh they must mean ___. Sometimes people just want a hit and the words to the write don’t have the same to the listener. It is what you make it.

Fair point, far better than the one I was trying to make. It’s just sickening that people booed another race of people at a presidential rally and it doesn’t move the needle at all. Everyone is hung up on a fucking press secretary possibly being made fun of, even though she wasn’t, but fuck her if she was.

And my vote counts as much as his. Super.

How is Donkey not #1. He was the first, the best. God knows all the quarters I spent and lost getting to the elevator level.

This entire dinner is bullshit. It’s like they think life is pro-wrestling. We’ll fight during the week and then all get together and laugh and do a wink wing, nudge nudge on how we really don’t hate each other.

Trump is right. We should shut down the country. Put up a fucking sign, “closed due to poor management”

Sorry, but song writing isn’t some sort of noble act above acting or playing sports. It’s a talent or a developed skill. A lot of great songs were written because someone was high and thought “that rhymes.”

Because Kanye Kardashian-West is real life? Maybe don’t watch TMZ to mold your world view.

Doesn’t the host country automatically get in the World Cup? Might be the only way team USA makes it.

Kayne made good music. That’s all I need him for. I don’t care about his stupid clothes or shoes or how big of an asshole he is. Guess what, rock stars were cool because they were assholes. Their job description was to get fucked up and bang as many women as possible, then of course we needed them to be normal and