
Can I selfie my personality? Because it’s way better than my face.

Dude was out cold and the cops are like..sit up. I mean what in the fuck.

I don’t think Big Trump colluded with the Russians. He’s too fucking stupid, but he knew they have him over a barrel with the pee tape. I think Don Jr. and Kushner plus others saw a way to make a lot of money when and if Trump won, so they were working behind the scenes to help themselves and the Russians.

First, where is the fucking marshal? If they’re slow playing then he/she can just let the next group play through.

She’s just flat out unlikeable. Nothing about her presentation is inviting to the viewer watching at those hours.

If he’s paying out of pocket then yes. More than likely he’s expensing this so there’s no reason for him to.

Bernie is not getting the nomination. I’m sorry but the battle of the presidency between two men nearing 80 scares me. Obviously I’d vote for Bernie but there’s not a better option out there?

If he is this crazy it’s important he makes as much music as possible. Good music is made by people really high on drugs, crazy or a combo of both. Once he reaches recovery and the found jesus phase his music will be dog shit, probably worse than that 808 love whatever garbage.

If you watch the rehearsal video he says 13 which is why I wrote that. However, Prince’s genius made him change it to 15 which sounds even better.

It’s been 7 hours and 13 days since you took your love away.

Haberman has been so good and is the first thing I look for on twitter every day. I can’t wait to read her book someday.

He can go do standup and people will show up. He’ll talk about how fucked up he was and more than likely it’ll be pretty funny. I mean people listen to Chris Brown.

The idea that you have to speak nicely of dead people is stupid. They’re not suddenly better because they died.

This is not shocking considering Trump asks him for advice, I mean that’s documented.

Well I’m old so I remember Lollapalooza would have up and coming bands plus a variety of acts and crazy stuff you never heard of. If you look at the old lineups there’s a lot of big names, but they hadn’t broken yet. It was starting as music was really changing so the scene was the opposite of pop and shitty pop

No, it’s within reason to ask people to leave if they are not ordering and taking up tables or space. However, in clothing stores people window shop and try shit on for hours and don’t buy anything. People will sit at a bar and baby a beer to watch an entire football game.

Every coffee shop I’ve been to has people sitting doing nothing except using the wi-fi and sitting on their laptops. Some buy one cup, some just get water. If you want to sit in a Starbucks and listen to their shitty music play then more power to you.  

I’m betting the kids didn’t have a problem. It was asshole adults.

Her thighs...good lord.

I’m not sure I’m for this. Teens do some pretty stupid shit, it’s not their fault, just the brain development.