You’re fucking stupid.
You’re fucking stupid.
That was George Teague
If there was a Jewish football player who went on a long run and had to be subbed out could you say he was gassed?
This is a shitty and bad take. Alcohol doesn’t suddenly make you a rapist. Drinking is dangerous no doubt, but I’ve been drunk as hell (but no thrown up) and never thought about suddenly raping a girl.
You know Daddy only gets the butt
Lets remember that Trump used to be a frequent guest on Howard Stern and Trump even said on the show that a flat chested woman couldn’t be a 10, oh and that grab the pussy deal which he didn’t know was on tape. Yet somehow all these “christians” ignore that.
Left handed, crazy swing, goes for it every shot...every reason to like Bubba, but he just comes off as an unlikeable prick.
I used to think she was the reasonable one but fuck her.
Yes but the scene where Hall is drunk at the blues bar makes up for everything.
You forgot your Charlie Murphy citation in the first paragraph of Know the Line.
No way you kill someone in a fit of rage and get probation. That chic was an asshole, but you can’t punch and kill someone because they call you a name.
If November plays out as I hope I’m going to watch Fox News all day after the election for the voter fraud and Hillary corruption stories.
That’s kinda bullshit. One of those shots was within 4ft but because of all the spin it ends up in the water. If this was the US Open players would bitch about fairness, but because it’s Augusta the hole is just “tricky.”
At this point I don’t think Trump will be impeached. My hope is Nov flips a lot of seats and then Congress can just grind him out the last two years. The idea of him being re-elected is horrifying and I would hope at this point the anti-Clinton voters from 2016 will flip to anti-Trump.
She calls him out. He fires back and I’m reading on twitter about how he’s a punk? The adults need to act like adults.
Jesus christ.... prison? My guess is she won’t go to a white collar camp prison either. There’s got to be something someone can do.
Is there any chance they can’t get the rights to use MJ or Prince in the show, so they just choose to omit it? I’m not sure of the cost associated with something like that. There’s no way one of those nerdy kids wouldn’t have bought MJ’s glove from Spencers.
Get off of Facebook! You don’t need it, we lived fine without it.
I just don’t get attacking the kids. Like the one shithead who told them “no one would know their names if their friends hadn’t died.” What in the fuck? These kids didn’t ask for this, but they’ve started a movement and have done a hell of a lot more than I did at that age. The additional hot take is that “no 16…
I saw kids playing it today. Mostly complaining about how hard it was to play on a phone (poor poor kids). What I don’t get it kids would watch the person who killed them and actively root against them. Bitter gaming seems lame.