
Every gangster rap song in the 90s had switches and bitches and a 64 and no one sued.

I’m actually not opposed to that idea. Seems radical but maybe level headed americans over on this side and then dipshit trumpers over here? We can build a wall and everyone will be happy.

While useless they don’t really hurt anything. However, praying has been the only action and that’s the problem. Tweeting about prayers seems like a horseshit response.

That’s the hairstyle you rock as a billionaire? yuk

We’re done as a society. There’s just too much stupid. Let’s just let the robots run it.

Having a cop or a couple isn’t armed security. There’s money. If we’re going to borrow from the future for a stupid wall we can borrow to change the school system.

No scenario is perfect. Change in attitudes? Sorry but you need to wake the fuck up. Little kids were murdered at Sandy Hook and nothing happened. Everyone is hung up on an ancient document written when firearms were one shot wonders.

Right, which is why you need guards. Professionals with guns stationed to stop shit. Yes, police shitty too but the status quo just isn’t good enough.

True, but perhaps it could stop things like Sandy Hook and Columbine. Also, if you make school tough to enter like a football game or the airport terminal then maybe the kids can’t get guns into the school. It would be a huge pain but we sucked it up at the airport and we can ask the same of kids and teachers.

You could take some money to sure up security instead of building a fucking wall. No one wants their kid to go to a military camp, but at this point hiring security or mandating metal detectors or some sort of entry process is needed.

Is this 12th school shooting in 2018? What in the fuck. Everyone will want to pray, but that hasn’t proven to do shit, so how about something else?

There should be a film where Nicolas Cage tries to steal the painting and take it to Hannity.

If some asshole parks in the street and blocks you don’t you just key the shit out of it? There’s numerous times I’ve keyed a car or even thrown a co-workers lunch away because they fuck up the microwave and never clean up. Then I listen in shock how “some asshole” threw away their lunch. I make my eyes extra wide

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen an administration lie so badly. Perhaps you could argue Bush’s excuse to invade Iraq, but I think Trump tops it because they lie about everything so much.

Hopefully kids will watch and understand what good comedy is. Hint: it’s not Kevin Hart talking about being short all the time.

Lucas is lucky he handed over SW because his legacy was becoming someone who wrote shit and continued to dick with movies that were over 40 years old.

I don’t see the appeal of anything Dunham does.

I used to just laugh at Fox but now it’s a legit danger. To completely ignore a major story and continue to push conspiracies is just downright dangerous. There’s a large portion of the population who live in the Fox world and think everything else is made up. This isn’t just representing a different view. It’s

Cue Fox News...see we’ll boycott you NFL. What this isn’t accounting for is streaming.

When I heard of this movie being made I just rolled my eyes and thought..oh great now everyone gets a movie from the SW universe.