
Christ it wasn’t like Russians were Trump. You can’t be that simple. If there was no effort by Russia to influence the election then why sanctions? Just because?

So anyone not white driving around at 3am can just have their shit torn up? What was this bitch up at 3am for anyway? We love to blame the shit outta victims.

According to an interview on The NYT’s The Daily podcast, the Russians thought Page was too dumb to be useful but they did try.

Is he this stupid or is it just an act to get the Trumpers to unite so when shit goes down they’ll have the country split.

Keep in mind the Steele document did not inspire the FBI to investigate Trump. However it did confirm some of their findings. The goal here is for people to think the FBI started investigating Trump because of Steele. That’s not the case.

This is what people kept tweeting “tick tock” and “release the memo” over? It doesn’t say shit.

So they want this woman to be a lab rat. This is straight out of the holocaust “lets test some crazy medical shit” playbook.

I’ll be too busy defending our freedom playing Call of Duty to watch this horseshit.

The “just over 1%” at 20 weeks is due to issues or potential issues with the baby I’m guessing?? I can’t imagine women are changing their mind about having a baby or not that long into the process, but I’m just speculating.

She should be applauded for helping cleaning house in her own party. How about Joy get mad at all the dipshit voters who voted for the pussy grabber and the members of the GOP who don’t open their mouths.  

They canceled the show because of a lawsuit? That doesn’t make much sense.

It’s the State of the Union. What are they supposed to do other than give their response. Trump’s speech should offer enough rambling and lies that it will basically make their own campaign ad to run against him.

So I’m supposed to watch these crappy football players why again?

Fox is also the majority owner of the Big Ten network. The one thing Fox hasn’t stolen from ESPN is an Outside the Lines type show because they’ve gone all in with the First Take ripoffs.

In Houston they can’t stop building. The problem is I don’t know who they’re building 800 square foot apartments for that cost $1200-1500 a month. I know that might be cheap compared to other cities but here there is no mass transit so you need a car, gas, insurance which isn’t cheap.

Fox News was on at the gym and Tucker’s lead bullshit was “where’s the memo and texts?” Then there was a split screen of Obama and Trump. The graphic listed the FBI extended the authority of their FISA to the campaign. Isn’t it obvious if they found the campaign talking to Russians they’d expand it? Is everyone

I disagree because government shutdowns have usually worked against the party in power. I believe the Dems can say they compromised once but not again.

Demi backed down but it’s only short term and now they have the GOP on record as promising a vote on DACA. The Dems can, will, and should shut down the government again in Feb if there’s no vote.

Dude wore a fur coat to court. You think he gives any fucks?

I thought he didn’t have security clearance?