
The biggest question will be what did Trump know. I’m thinking he’s so stupid he might have been kept out of the loop on a lot of the back channel stuff. If Kush and Jr. are charged and convicted I’d be curious to see if he would pardon them. It’s clear the base doesn’t care how much Russia is involved, but if

Sorry but someone replicating the swing speed of a younger person smells of PEDs. Even though golf technology makes it easier I still think it’s suspect considering his injuries. There’s no way he can keep swinging that hard and not get hurt as he gets older.

I think he’s the one going down. Question is can the feds pressure him to give up Trump, provided something is there.

Off the Wall? You wanna be startin somethin?

lets hope he has communication from Trump in text/email or something solid or the Trumpers will just claim it’s all made up.

I’ve seen administrators use video of fights to punish kids who fought or to find out who started it. The kids who filmed were never in any trouble.

So he’s sorry he got caught. Pretty common theme.

Terrible, they all deserve a good spanking. Preferably on video.

I don’t know where I read it, but someone said that Mueller wouldn’t deal down. Meaning he’s not giving Flynn something to get Manafort or Kushner. He’d only be dealing if he’s giving up Trump.

I’m sure DJ was really trying to smash his drive during a bullshit round of meaningless golf.

I haven’t read any of the conservative attacks because it’ll just piss me off.

Ok this is bad and all, but what about your tax cuts rich people?

4pm is fine if you can eat around the TV so you can see the game. If you’re in a place where “we don’t watch tv and eat” then you’re fucked, have to shovel quickly and get back to watch Dez get tackled by one arm after a 2 yard gain.

I’ll be at a location where several family members (on my wife’s side) love to discuss chemtrails. I’m not a combative person so I just say ..uhh huh and shake my head slightly up and down.

Smartest move they can do .

They still exist. It doesn’t have any impact on you passing a course, nor should it. If you’re an asshole then you get written up and the administration can deal with you.

Golf is great if you take it for what it is...a fun time outside with your friends and a pretty interesting challenge, plus you get to drive a little cart or even better..the skateboard cart. can drink.

Good point, so I guess this dummy didn’t even know the grading structure and that 63 was passing?

Charge a shit ton for Facebook. Then maybe people will stop using it.

Wait, so they had a 63 and he would have bumped them up 7 points just standing for the pledge?