
Michael Jackson grabbed his dick and millions still bought Thriller. Also those stupid single glitter gloves and that red jacket with all the fucked up zippers.

I would speculate they see the GOP shitheads standing by Moore, so their thought is lets stand up for our side as well? He admitted he fucked up, but what’s the appropriate punishment? Politicians with no dirt (at least public) fuck over millions of people with policy.

The shower trick doesn’t really ring true of “shared feelings.” All these stories coming out aren’t just examples of flirting or hitting on gone wrong. Almost every guy has been shot down and it’s pretty obvious when a woman isn’t interested, although I’ve known some guys who are oblivious.

Classic mistake of getting your weight back instead of forward. You’ll eat shit every time.

What is the proper punishment for this? I’ve read much twitter outrage and yes he acted like an ass but shit it’s football. Can we stop acting like athletes are some sort of model citizens. They’re good at sports.

uh oh, someone left their computer unlocked and their kid posted.

Now playing

Let’s not forget Malcolm Young just died. This is how you rock kids.

10 years? That’s it? WTF

These superhero films just aren’t any good. It appears directors have just lost the ability to remember the story is key and trying to over color grade each shot to show how much of a cinematic genius you are isn’t filming.

Jesus Christ, Trump continues to trump one asshole tweet with an even bigger one. It’s amazing he’s the president and it’s amazing there’s a percentage of the population who agrees with him.

I hope to God there’s no chance of the Vikings getting to the Super Bowl and shitting the bed against the Pats.

Millions of people voted for an ex game show host who was on tape talking about grabbing pussy, and has multiple accusations of sexual assault.

I’m so sick of her. Her schtick is “I’m not perfect but I’m going to be so naked because I’m real.” Guess what dummy, I watch TV to see pretty people. If I want to see some dumpy regular chic I’ll walk outside.

I have a lot of respect for people who sign up to be placed in shitty situations where people are trying to kill them. However, it needs to be acknowledged there’s a lot of people who get into the military to “fuck shit up” because if they didn’t they’d probably end up in jail.

This is rock? This is shit.

“Hey, did you see what I posted on Facebook?” The world would be a better place if this phrase were never spoken again.

He did some very creepy shit and he owned up to it (not the best, but still didn’t go with fake news). The idea that his friends are supposed to all dump him now is silly.

While this is shitty it’s not Roy Moore shitty. However, people will try to equate the two. Why is it whenever the GOP fuck up there’s a Dem right behind em.

Nothing will ever beat the South Park “naggers” miss.
