That’s what I was thinking. It’s not firepower. It’s magazine capacity. The ability to fire multiple rounds is what’s dangerous.
That’s what I was thinking. It’s not firepower. It’s magazine capacity. The ability to fire multiple rounds is what’s dangerous.
So that’s not more dangerous than a shotgun? I’m not talking about for shooting your neighbor who stays up too late playing music. I’m talking about killing a large amount of people in a short amount of time. I just don’t believe the statement that an AR-15 is not more dangerous than any other type of firearm. Unless…
I would say it is lethal So getting rid of it and others like it is stupid? hmmm.
Then why is it the weapon of choice for mass shootings? Serious question.
Get rid of the AR-15. It’s the weapon of choice for nutsos. That would be the best start. There’s no practical reason anyone needs to buy one of those.
I’m white you dipshit. Anyone who voted for Trump wasn’t doing so because of sound policy or his stance on anything.
There’s no fucking way your DC comes back next week with that horseshit
I get that, but the idea the campaign had an “odor of failure” is her being dramatic. There was nothing to indicate she was going to lose up to the week before the election. Ultimately Clinton did fail, but she had no clue leading up to the election the Dems would lose.
If that’s not a suspension then fuck this league.
This is the exact opening to Kill Bill.
He’s from a different generation. Did you expect a different response? The guy is a legend of a baseball announcer and that’s it. The idea he’s supposed to give some noble thoughts on race and patriotism is stupid.
She’s just trying to sell books. However, the idea of “rigging” plays right into the Trumpers you’re trying to fight. Sanders wasn’t going to beat Trump. Bottom line is if there’s no Comey letter in the NYT right before the election she probably wins. The “odor” of failure? Well that failure had a lead going into…
SNL needs the attention. Good for Larry to try and give the show some edge again.
This is moronic. You want to bench him for a quarter then fine. Punishing the whole team by taking your best player off the field because of a picture? This isn’t high school or college where your trying to teach life lessons. These are fucking pros.
Labor shortages? So we have no unemployment? What an asshole, and that tie..holy shit
If you work with someone it doesn’t necessarily mean you know they were a sexual harasser. They go to set, work and go home.
This traffic reporter needs to join forces with some of the Univision weather women. We all know Jan is just jealous, but maybe she should let her hubby watch some traffic, get worked up and bang the nonsense out of her head.
The teachers of the special needs classes at my school deserve a medal for their patience and love they show for their kids.
I would guess baseball is one of the toughest sports to lose when you get to the final round. It’s such a long grind of a season and even with expanded playoff spots it’s still very tough just to get to the post season.
My daughter yelled “don’t beat me” in a crowded store because she didn’t get a fucking Shopkin. I’ve never come close to beating anyone, especially my daughter. I hate fucking Shopkins.