
Fuck this guy and every other political asshole who tells it like it is when they’re out but will sell the American people out for the sake of being a winning politician.

What is American AF? I’ve never seen someone look for a fight so hard.

I’m curious to see what happens when Shepard Smith takes the air. He’s not going to stand for some avoidance bullshit.

This still doesn’t make up for the other shit games the NFL has had to offer this year. Hopefully Watson and Prescott can be the faces of the league once Brady and Rodgers are gone.

A Lisa Bonet vehicle that took off and had a life of its own.

Nice to see MLB has adopted the NCAA policy of handing out punishment well after the crime.

If anyone thinks there’s any sort of smoking gun conspiracy in those files they’re kidding themselves.

Why don’t they just leave the teams in the locker room until after the anthem?

Why is this guy still a thing? He’s a complete piece of shit.

Ok Twitter. Do your job and shut that shit down. Not just him but the whole thing. The experiment that anyone with internet access can now broadcast their thoughts has failed. You’re not making any money and it’s basically Trump’s fireside chat, just shittier.

What if they revised Huck Finn to use the version that just ends in “a”? You know as a friendly term?

She’s done and an idiot. If she thought students were talking shit to her then she could have said English please or something like that. If this was just a normal conversation and the kids were speaking Spanish then fuck her. If the student’s quote is correct that she tells them not to speak Spanish in the

If this is a penalty then just stop football altogether.

If you’re a genius musician leading the American rock resurgence...don’t marry Courtney Love.

So he’s going to suspend players for not standing. Well maybe not suspend, but not play. It seems that Jerry only has a problem with bullshit rule enforcement when he’s not the judge and jury.

I love the outrage of people who never watch soccer.

Christ just keep them in the tunnel until after the anthem. I think Drew pointed out on Twitter that NFL players weren’t on the field for it until 2006?

You know Eddie probably used to yell at Valerie. “Val, why are you mixing the liquor with other shit. Just drink it this.”

That dude with the shitty Captain America shield and a glove? looks exactly like a guy who would jump into a fight when someone is down, land a weak punch and then run the hell away.

So your premise is you have to have conservative skit shows and talk show hosts? At least Rob Schneider, Scott Baio and James Woods would have work.