
Since First Take does well..I guess..FS1 wanted to counter. However the better counter would be to put on more sports instead of dumbasses talking sports. Or maybe do a breakdown type show where you get into the nuts and bolts of games instead of dickheads screaming about who has more heart.

Not sure why FS1 pushed so hard to try and beat SportsCenter. Even SportsCenter is a piece of shit now and they promote it more as the Scott Van Pelt late night experience. The daily highlight show is dying due to all the specialized shows. If I want baseball I can watch baseball tonight or MLB network. Same for NFL

His pizza is shitty, I can’t stand the sauce. I always thought I liked pizza until I traveled to NYC and had pizza. Then I realized I’d been eating bullshit for years. Here in the south people flock to little Caesars or Ci Ci’s Pizza. Unless you’re a high school kid eating on the cheap no one should consume that crap.

How many ways can he answer the generic question of “what happened out there?” Guy gets the shit kicked out of him for 4 quarters and everyone wants some detailed analysis or explanation immediately after the game.

What’s even worse is all these injuries were caused by that Leonard Marshall hit.

As someone who might be impacted by Fox needing to save 250 mill I have an idea where they could save a ton of dough

This fucking guy. Hopefully Jerry Jones dies in the off season so he can’t sign him.

Why would you leave out the opportunity to put a pic of Miss Washington up?

I always thought he was a solid official..maybe it was his presentation. However his miserable on TV. Never disagrees with a call and often can’t explain the justification for a call. I get he might not want to throw officials under the bus, but that’s sort of his job.

Why does the lottery get such good press and DFS gets shit on?

The bigger crime is a Ticket master “convenience” fee. I still can’t believe the NFL charges full price for preseason games and there are still people dumb enough to pay and go watch that crap.

Now playing

allow me to retort.... Sting is no more full of shit than any other famous musician..except for Bruce. It’s a horrible idea he’s at the NBA All-Star game.

This would be great if it were 1988.

I try to live by the rule of not teasing a big motherfucker who can kick the shit out of me.

I just don’t get the “I had to quit Facebook” or “I couldn’t take Twitter anymore” people. Every day I see people on some message board crafting a response to some other anonymous asshole. Why don’t you just get a hobby?

Does Kurt Cobain’s death count a a conspiracy? I still think he killed himself even though I really liked Soaked in Bleach.

Don’t discount Wade Phillips. Guy knows defense.

Been there!

Davis has to be pissed because he didn’t break his arm on some bone crunching tackle or recovering a fumble. Shit head Fells just jumped in the air for no reason and smashed into it. Who the fuck just jumps in the air while running in the middle of the field?

Palmer/Cardinals didn’t really play that well against GB either. The tipped TD could have easily been picked and if not for Fitz they might have not won that game. If Palmer helps them get points before the end of the half maybe they come out and play better, but you get the huge pick and return only to throw a pretty