
If he can get it together and win a major it’ll be one of the biggest sports stories of all time. I think he is injured, but he couldn’t chip at one point, so the issues weren’t only with his full swing. It’s a very odd and fast erosion of skill for what was the world’s best golfer.

Since it’s a female tiger we can all hope it mauls the shit out of him. Not kill him, but fuck him up real good where he’s breathing out of a tube and has one of those cancer kazoos to talk out of.

No Katy Perry tits? Looks like I’ll be at the queso station at halftime.

Eskin looks just like a picture people from Philly. Gruffy, angry. Fuck him and the Eagles, and Temple this weekend (although I like to see a team like Temple have a solid year).

So how should we punish these two nut jobs who killed 14? If you’re contemplating a mass shooting my guess is you’re not really swayed by the potential of jail time. Agreed on the gun show issue, but I’m a big fan of the car ownership comparison. Get insurance, yearly renewals, tax it.

Good to know the inside and outside of clubs are just as annoying as they used to be.

His swing is too violent. Until he gives up on trying to smash his driver as hard as he can off the tee he’ll never come back to true form.

I was at the grocery store looking through the strawberries trying to find the best package with no fucked up ones at the bottom. All of a sudden this woman says..this one looks good, and hands me the plastic carton. I look up, and she was way hot, completely out of my league. She hands it to me, smiles and walks

On the surface I thought USC really fucked this up. I watched his dad coach some shitty teams at UH and Clay himself play some shittier QB.

I hated scrappy. Fucking annoying little bastard. BTW I saw there was a Kiss/Scooby-Doo movie on over the holidays. Is that new? The 5 minutes I saw was a terrible piece of shit.

No fan of Greg Hardy, but I'm curious why Kobe did and continues to get a pass for the rape? It seems people are very selective when they choose to decide who a scumbag is.

Glad Brady called it how it is. If the defender goes high they’ll tack on an extra 15.

Talking shit from the stands is one thing. Right next to him is another. He’s a big boy...all I’d say to him is good game.

Working in live TV for years I can honestly say this director was pretty calm. I've seen directors fire crew on the spot and yell at them like they were children. TV people take themselves way too seriously.

All the stupid ass Cowboys fans I know want Johnny shithead. I can't imagine they would be that stupid, but you never know

Maybe this will finally make the Cowboys draft a QB. Bigger problem today is the lack of a running game. O-line has not lived up to hype.

Your seat exchange story is like a real life Curb episode. You're a young Larry David!

he just can’t be this fucking stupid can he?

If he would have put the hood over his helmet he’d instantly be my favorite player of all time.

I thought NBC had a good shot of the back judge very close to the line of scrimmage and immediately threw his flag which to me means he heard the Cincy player simulating the snap count.